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1 /**
2  * @brief Formula-based implementation of Oset model
3  *
4  * @author Tomasz Golan
5  * @date 2015
6  * @warning Applicable for pion with Tk < 350 MeV
7  * @remarks Based on E. Oset et al., Nucl. Phys. A484 (1988) 557-592
8  *
9 */
14 #include "INukeOset.h"
16 // calculate cross section for piN based on Oset model
18 {
19  public:
21  //! use to set up Oset class (assign pion Tk, nuclear density etc)
22  void setupOset (const double &density, const double &pionTk,
23  const int &pionPDG, const double &protonFraction);
25  private:
27  // constants
28  static const double fCouplingConstant; //!< f*^2
29  static const double fNucleonMass; //!< average nucleon mass [MeV]
30  static const double fNucleonMass2; //!< average nucleon mass squared
31  static const double fDeltaMass; //!< delta mass in MeV
32  static const double fNormalDensity; //!< normal nuclear density [fm-3]
33  static const double fNormFactor; //!< MeV^-2 -> mb
35  static const double fCoefSigma[fNChannels]; //!< s-wave parametrization eq. 3.7
36  static const double fCoefB[fNChannels]; //!< s-wave parametrization eq. 3.8
37  static const double fCoefD[fNChannels]; //!< s-wave parametrization eq. 3.8
38  static const double ImB0; //!< s-wave parametrization eq. 3.12
40  static const double fCoefCQ[fNChannels]; //!< quasi-elastic term (eq. 2.21)
41  static const double fCoefCA2[fNChannels]; //!< two-body absorption (eq. 2.21)
42  static const double fCoefCA3[fNChannels]; //!< three-body absorption (eq. 2.21)
43  static const double fCoefAlpha[fNChannels]; //!< alpha (eq. 2.21)
44  static const double fCoefBeta[fNChannels]; //!< beta (eq. 2.21)
46  // kinematics variables
47  double fPionMass; //!< pion mass in MeV
48  double fPionMass2; //!< pion mass squared
49  double fPionMomentum; //!< pion momentum in MeV
50  double fPionEnergy; //!< pion total energy in MeV
51  double fMomentumCMS; //!< momentum in CMS in MeV
52  double fMomentumCMS2; //!< momentum in CMS squared
53  double fInvariantMass; //!< inv mass = sqrt(s mandelstam) in MeV
55  // delta variables
56  double fReducedHalfWidth; //!< reduced delta half width in MeV
57  double fSelfEnergyTotal; //!< total delta self energy in MeV
58  double fSelfEnergyAbsorption; //!< abs part of delta self energy in MeV
59  double fDeltaPropagator2; //!< |delta propagator|^2 in MeV-2
61  // nucleus variables
62  double fFermiMomentum; //!< Fermi momentum in MeV
63  double fFermiEnergy; //!< Fermi energy in MeV
65  // cross sections
66  double fCouplingFactor; //!< (coupling constant / pion mass)^2
68  //! set nuclear density and Fermi momentum / energy
69  void setNucleus (const double &density);
70  //! do kinematics
71  void setKinematics (const double &pionTk, const bool &isPi0);
72  //! set up Delta
73  void setDelta ();
75  //! calculate delta self energy
76  void setSelfEnergy ();
78  //! calculalte delta width reduction in nuclear medium
79  double deltaReduction () const;
81  //! calculalte cross sections for each channel
82  void setCrossSections ();
83 };
static const double fCoefSigma[fNChannels]
s-wave parametrization eq. 3.7
double deltaReduction() const
calculalte delta width reduction in nuclear medium
void setCrossSections()
calculalte cross sections for each channel
double fDeltaPropagator2
|delta propagator|^2 in MeV-2
void setKinematics(const double &pionTk, const bool &isPi0)
do kinematics
double fSelfEnergyTotal
total delta self energy in MeV
double fInvariantMass
inv mass = sqrt(s mandelstam) in MeV
static const double fCoefAlpha[fNChannels]
alpha (eq. 2.21)
static const double fCoefD[fNChannels]
s-wave parametrization eq. 3.8
static const double fCoefCA2[fNChannels]
two-body absorption (eq. 2.21)
double fPionMomentum
pion momentum in MeV
static const double fCoefCQ[fNChannels]
quasi-elastic term (eq. 2.21)
void setDelta()
set up Delta
static const double ImB0
s-wave parametrization eq. 3.12
static const double fNormFactor
MeV^-2 -&gt; mb.
double fMomentumCMS2
momentum in CMS squared
double fCouplingFactor
(coupling constant / pion mass)^2
double fFermiEnergy
Fermi energy in MeV.
double fFermiMomentum
Fermi momentum in MeV.
static const double fNormalDensity
normal nuclear density [fm-3]
void setNucleus(const double &density)
set nuclear density and Fermi momentum / energy
void setSelfEnergy()
calculate delta self energy
static const double fNucleonMass2
average nucleon mass squared
static const unsigned int fNChannels
number of possible channels: pi+n, pi+p, pi0
Definition: INukeOset.h:81
static const double fDeltaMass
delta mass in MeV
static const double fCoefCA3[fNChannels]
three-body absorption (eq. 2.21)
double fSelfEnergyAbsorption
abs part of delta self energy in MeV
double fPionEnergy
pion total energy in MeV
static const double fNucleonMass
average nucleon mass [MeV]
static const double fCoefB[fNChannels]
s-wave parametrization eq. 3.8
void setupOset(const double &density, const double &pionTk, const int &pionPDG, const double &protonFraction)
use to set up Oset class (assign pion Tk, nuclear density etc)
double fPionMass2
pion mass squared
static const double fCouplingConstant
double fMomentumCMS
momentum in CMS in MeV
double fReducedHalfWidth
reduced delta half width in MeV
double fPionMass
pion mass in MeV
static const double fCoefBeta[fNChannels]
beta (eq. 2.21)
Formula-based implementation of Oset model.