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1 //____________________________________________________________________________
2 /*
3  Copyright (c) 2003-2024, The GENIE Collaboration
4  For the full text of the license visit
6  Costas Andreopoulos <c.andreopoulos \at>
7  University of Liverpool
8 */
9 //____________________________________________________________________________
11 #include <cassert>
13 #include <TVector3.h>
14 #include <TSystem.h>
15 #include <TStopwatch.h>
18 #include "Framework/Conventions/GBuild.h"
39 using namespace genie;
40 using namespace genie::constants;
42 //____________________________________________________________________________
44 {
45  this->InitJob();
46 }
47 //___________________________________________________________________________
49 {
50  if(fUnphysEventMask) delete fUnphysEventMask;
51  if (fGPool) delete fGPool;
53  map<int,TH1D*>::iterator pmax_iter = fPmax.begin();
54  for( ; pmax_iter != fPmax.end(); ++pmax_iter) {
55  TH1D * pmax = pmax_iter->second;
56  if(pmax) {
57  delete pmax; pmax = 0;
58  }
59  }
60  fPmax.clear();
62  if(fFluxIntTree) delete fFluxIntTree;
63  if(fFluxIntProbFile) delete fFluxIntProbFile;
64 }
65 //___________________________________________________________________________
66 void GMCJDriver::SetEventGeneratorList(string listname)
67 {
68  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
69  << "Setting event generator list: " << listname;
71  fEventGenList = listname;
72 }
73 //___________________________________________________________________________
74 void GMCJDriver::SetUnphysEventMask(const TBits & mask)
75 {
76  *fUnphysEventMask = mask;
78  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
79  << "Setting unphysical event mask (bits: " << GHepFlags::NFlags() - 1
80  << " -> 0) : " << *fUnphysEventMask;
81 }
82 //___________________________________________________________________________
83 void GMCJDriver::UseFluxDriver(GFluxI * flux_driver)
84 {
85  fFluxDriver = flux_driver;
86 }
87 //___________________________________________________________________________
89 {
90  fGeomAnalyzer = geom_analyzer;
91 }
92 //___________________________________________________________________________
93 void GMCJDriver::UseSplines(bool useLogE)
94 {
95  fUseSplines = true;
96  fUseLogE = useLogE;
97 }
98 //___________________________________________________________________________
99 bool GMCJDriver::UseMaxPathLengths(string xml_filename)
100 {
101 // If you supply the maximum path lengths for all materials in your geometry
102 // (eg for ROOT/GEANT geometries they can be computed running GENIE's gmxpl
103 // application, see $GENIE/src/stdapp/gMaxPathLengths.cxx ) you can speed up
104 // the driver init phase by quite a bit (especially for complex geometries).
106  fMaxPlXmlFilename = xml_filename;
108  bool is_accessible = !(gSystem->AccessPathName(fMaxPlXmlFilename.c_str()));
110  if ( is_accessible ) fUseExtMaxPl = true;
111  else {
112  fUseExtMaxPl = false;
113  LOG("GMCJDriver", pWARN)
114  << "UseMaxPathLengths could not find file: \"" << xml_filename << "\"";
115  }
116  return fUseExtMaxPl;
118 }
119 //___________________________________________________________________________
121 {
122  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
123  << "Keep on throwing flux neutrinos till one interacts? : "
124  << utils::print::BoolAsYNString(keep_on);
125  fKeepThrowingFluxNu = keep_on;
126 }
127 //___________________________________________________________________________
129 {
130  fXSecSplineNbins = nbins;
132  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
133  << "Number of bins in energy used for the xsec splines: "
134  << fXSecSplineNbins;
135 }
136 //___________________________________________________________________________
138 {
139  fPmaxLogBinning = true;
141  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
142  << "Pmax will be store in histogram with logarithmic energy bins";
143 }
144 //___________________________________________________________________________
146 {
147  fPmaxNbins = nbins;
149  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
150  << "Number of bins in energy used for maximum int. probability: "
151  << fPmaxNbins;
152 }
153 //___________________________________________________________________________
155 {
156  fPmaxSafetyFactor = sf;
158  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
159  << "Pmax safety factor = " << fPmaxSafetyFactor;
160 }
161 //___________________________________________________________________________
163 {
164 // Force interaction in detector volume. That generates unweighted events.
165 //
166  fForceInteraction = true;
168  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
169  << "GMCJDriver will generate weighted events forcing the interaction. ";
170 }
171 //___________________________________________________________________________
173 {
174 // Use a single probability scale. That generates unweighted events.
175 // (Note that generating unweighted event kinematics is a different thing)
176 //
177  fGenerateUnweighted = true;
179  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
180  << "GMCJDriver will generate un-weighted events. "
181  << "Note: That does not force unweighted event kinematics!";
182 }
183 //___________________________________________________________________________
184 void GMCJDriver::PreSelectEvents(bool preselect)
185 {
186 // Set whether to pre-select events based on a max-path lengths file. This
187 // should be turned off if using pre-generated interaction probabilities
188 // calculated from a given flux file.
189  fPreSelect = preselect;
190 }
191 //___________________________________________________________________________
193 {
194 // Loop over complete set of flux entries satisfying input config options
195 // (such as neutrino type) and save the interaction probability in a tree
196 // relating flux index (entry number in input flux tree) to interaction
197 // probability. If a pre-generated flux interaction probability tree has
198 // already been loaded then just returns true. Also save tree to a TFile
199 // for use in later jobs if flag is set
200 //
201  bool success = true;
203  bool save_to_file = fFluxIntProbFile == 0 && fFluxIntFileName.size()>0;
205  // Clear map storing sum(fBrFluxWeight*fBrFluxIntProb) for each neutrino pdg
206  fSumFluxIntProbs.clear();
208  // check if already loaded flux interaction probs using LoadFluxProbTree
209  if(fFluxIntTree){
210  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE) <<
211  "Skipping pre-generation of flux interaction probabilities - "<<
212  "using pre-generated file";
213  success = true;
214  }
215  // otherwise create them on the fly now
216  else {
218  if(save_to_file){
219  fFluxIntProbFile = new TFile(fFluxIntFileName.c_str(), "CREATE");
220  if(fFluxIntProbFile->IsZombie()){
221  LOG("GMCJDriver", pFATAL) << "Cannot overwrite an existing file. Exiting!";
222  exit(1);
223  }
224  }
226  // Create the tree to store flux probs
227  fFluxIntTree = new TTree(fFluxIntTreeName.c_str(),
228  "Tree storing pre-calculated flux interaction probs");
229  fFluxIntTree->Branch("FluxIndex", &fBrFluxIndex, "FluxIndex/I");
230  fFluxIntTree->Branch("FluxIntProb", &fBrFluxIntProb, "FluxIntProb/D");
231  fFluxIntTree->Branch("FluxEnu", &fBrFluxEnu, "FluxEnu/D");
232  fFluxIntTree->Branch("FluxWeight", &fBrFluxWeight, "FluxWeight/D");
233  fFluxIntTree->Branch("FluxPDG", &fBrFluxPDG, "FluxPDG/I");
234  // Associate to file otherwise get std::bad_alloc when writing large trees
235  if(save_to_file) fFluxIntTree->SetDirectory(fFluxIntProbFile);
237  fFluxDriver->GenerateWeighted(true);
239  fGlobPmax = 1.0; // Force ComputeInteractionProbabilities to return absolute value
241  // Loop over flux entries and calculate interaction probabilities
242  TStopwatch stopwatch;
243  stopwatch.Start();
244  long int first_index = -1;
245  bool first_loop = true;
246  // loop until at end of flux ntuple
247  while(fFluxDriver->End() == false){
249  // get the next flux neutrino
250  bool gotnext = fFluxDriver->GenerateNext();
251  if(!gotnext){
252  LOG("GMCJDriver", pWARN) << "*** Couldn't generate next flux ray! ";
253  continue;
254  }
256  // stop if completed a full cycle (this check is necessary as fluxdriver
257  // may be set to loop over more than one cycle before reaching end)
258  bool already_been_here = first_loop ? false : first_index == fFluxDriver->Index();
259  if(already_been_here) break;
261  // compute the path lengths for current flux neutrino
262  if(this->ComputePathLengths() == false){ success = false; break;}
264  // compute and store the interaction probability
265  double psum = this->ComputeInteractionProbabilities(false /*Based on actual PLs*/);
266  assert(psum+controls::kASmallNum > 0.);
267  fBrFluxIntProb = psum;
268  fBrFluxIndex = fFluxDriver->Index();
269  fBrFluxEnu = fFluxDriver->Momentum().E();
270  fBrFluxWeight = fFluxDriver->Weight();
271  fBrFluxPDG = fFluxDriver->PdgCode();
272  fFluxIntTree->Fill();
274  // store the first index so know when have cycled exactly once
275  if(first_loop){
276  first_index = fFluxDriver->Index();
277  first_loop = false;
278  }
279  } // flux loop
280  stopwatch.Stop();
281  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
282  << "Finished pre-calculating flux interaction probabilities. "
283  << "Total CPU time to process "<< fFluxIntTree->GetEntries()
284  << " entries: "<< stopwatch.CpuTime();
286  // reset the flux driver so can be used at next stage. N.B. This
287  // should also reset flux driver to throw de-weighted flux neutrinos
288  fFluxDriver->Clear("CycleHistory");
289  }
291  // If successfully calculated/loaded interaction probabilities then set global
292  // probability scale and, if requested, save tree to output file
293  if(success){
294  fGlobPmax = 0.0;
295  double safety_factor = 1.01;
296  for(int i = 0; i< fFluxIntTree->GetEntries(); i++){
297  fFluxIntTree->GetEntry(i);
298  // Check have non-negative probabilities
299  assert(fBrFluxIntProb+controls::kASmallNum > 0.0);
300  assert(fBrFluxWeight+controls::kASmallNum > 0.0);
301  // Update the global maximum
302  fGlobPmax = TMath::Max(fGlobPmax, fBrFluxIntProb*safety_factor);
303  // Update the sum of fBrFluxIntProb*fBrFluxWeight for different species
304  if(fSumFluxIntProbs.find(fBrFluxPDG) == fSumFluxIntProbs.end()){
305  fSumFluxIntProbs[fBrFluxPDG] = 0.0;
306  }
307  fSumFluxIntProbs[fBrFluxPDG] += fBrFluxIntProb * fBrFluxWeight;
308  }
309  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE) <<
310  "Updated global probability scale to fGlobPmax = "<< fGlobPmax;
312  if(save_to_file){
313  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE) <<
314  "Saving pre-generated interaction probabilities to file: "<<
315  fFluxIntProbFile->GetName();
316  fFluxIntProbFile->cd();
317  fFluxIntTree->Write();
318  }
320  // Also build index for use later
321  if(fFluxIntTree->BuildIndex("FluxIndex") != fFluxIntTree->GetEntries()){
322  LOG("GMCJDriver", pFATAL) <<
323  "Cannot build index using branch \"FluxIndex\" for flux prob tree!";
324  exit(1);
325  }
327  // Now that have pre-generated flux probabilities need to trun off event
328  // preselection as this is only advantages when using max path lengths
329  this->PreSelectEvents(false);
331  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE) << "Successfully generated/loaded pre-calculate flux interaction probabilities";
332  }
333  // Otherwise clean up
334  else if(fFluxIntTree){
335  delete fFluxIntTree;
336  fFluxIntTree = 0;
337  }
339  // Return whether have successfully pre-calculated flux interaction probabilities
340  return success;
341 }
342 //___________________________________________________________________________
344 {
345 // Load a pre-generated set of flux interaction probabilities from an external
346 // file. This is recommended when using large flux files (>100k entries) as
347 // for these the time to calculate the interaction probabilities can exceed
348 // ~20 minutes. After loading the input tree we call PreCalcFluxProbabilities
349 // to check that has successfully loaded
350 //
351  if(fFluxIntProbFile){
352  LOG("GMCJDriver", pWARN)
353  << "Can't load flux interaction prob file as one is already loaded";
354  return false;
355  }
357  fFluxIntProbFile = new TFile(filename.c_str(), "OPEN");
359  if(fFluxIntProbFile){
360  fFluxIntTree = dynamic_cast<TTree*>(fFluxIntProbFile->Get(fFluxIntTreeName.c_str()));
361  if(fFluxIntTree){
362  bool set_addresses =
363  fFluxIntTree->SetBranchAddress("FluxIntProb", &fBrFluxIntProb) >= 0 &&
364  fFluxIntTree->SetBranchAddress("FluxIndex", &fBrFluxIndex) >= 0 &&
365  fFluxIntTree->SetBranchAddress("FluxPDG", &fBrFluxPDG) >= 0 &&
366  fFluxIntTree->SetBranchAddress("FluxWeight", &fBrFluxWeight) >= 0 &&
367  fFluxIntTree->SetBranchAddress("FluxEnu", &fBrFluxEnu) >= 0;
368  if(set_addresses){
369  // Finally check that can use them
370  if(this->PreCalcFluxProbabilities()) {
371  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
372  << "Successfully loaded pre-generated flux interaction probabilities";
373  return true;
374  }
375  }
376  // If cannot load then delete tree
377  LOG("GMCJDriver", pERROR) <<
378  "Cannot find expected branches in input flux probability tree!";
379  delete fFluxIntTree; fFluxIntTree = 0;
380  }
381  else LOG("GMCJDriver", pERROR)
382  << "Cannot find tree: "<< fFluxIntTreeName.c_str();
383  }
385  LOG("GMCJDriver", pWARN)
386  << "Unable to load flux interaction probabilities file";
387  return false;
388 }
389 //___________________________________________________________________________
390 void GMCJDriver::SaveFluxProbabilities(string outfilename)
391 {
392 // Configue the flux driver to save the calculated flux interaction
393 // probabilities to the specified output file name for use in later jobs. See
394 // the LoadFluxProbTree method for how they are fed into a later job.
395 //
396  fFluxIntFileName = outfilename;
397 }
398 //___________________________________________________________________________
399 void GMCJDriver::Configure(bool calc_prob_scales)
400 {
401  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
402  << utils::print::PrintFramedMesg("Configuring GMCJDriver");
404  // Get the list of neutrino types from the input flux driver and the list
405  // of target materials from the input geometry driver
406  this->GetParticleLists();
408  // Ask the input GFluxI for the max. neutrino energy (to compute Pmax)
409  this->GetMaxFluxEnergy();
411  // Create all possible initial states and for each one initialize,
412  // configure & store an GEVGDriver event generation driver object.
413  // Once an 'initial state' has been selected from the input flux / geom,
414  // the responsibility for generating the neutrino interaction will be
415  // delegated to one of these drivers.
416  this->PopulateEventGenDriverPool();
418  // If the user wants to use cross section splines in order to speed things
419  // up, then coordinate spline creation from all GEVGDriver objects pushed
420  // into GEVGPool. This will create all xsec splines needed for all (enabled)
421  // processes that can be simulated involving the particles in the input flux
422  // and geometry.
423  // Spline creation will be skipped for every spline that has been pre-loaded
424  // into the the XSecSplineList.
425  // Once more it is noted that computing cross section splines is a huge
426  // overhead. The user is encouraged to generate them in advance and load
427  // them into the XSecSplineList
428  this->BootstrapXSecSplines();
430  // Create cross section splines describing the total interaction xsec
431  // for a given initial state (Create them by summing all xsec splines
432  // for each possible initial state)
433  this->BootstrapXSecSplineSummation();
435  if(calc_prob_scales && !fForceInteraction){
436  // Ask the input geometry driver to compute the max. path length for each
437  // material in the list of target materials (or load a precomputed list)
438  this->GetMaxPathLengthList();
440  // Compute the max. interaction probability to scale all interaction
441  // probabilities to be computed by this driver
442  this->ComputeProbScales();
443  }
444  if (fForceInteraction) fGlobPmax = 1.;
445  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE) << "Finished configuring GMCJDriver\n\n";
446 }
447 //___________________________________________________________________________
449 {
450  fEventGenList = "Default"; // <-- set of event generators to be loaded by this driver
452  fUnphysEventMask = new TBits(GHepFlags::NFlags()); //<-- unphysical event mask
453  //fUnphysEventMask->ResetAllBits(true);
454  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < GHepFlags::NFlags(); i++) {
455  fUnphysEventMask->SetBitNumber(i, true);
456  }
458  fFluxDriver = 0; // <-- flux driver
459  fGeomAnalyzer = 0; // <-- geometry driver
460  fGPool = 0; // <-- pool of GEVGDriver event generation drivers
461  fEmax = 0; // <-- maximum neutrino energy
462  fMaxPlXmlFilename = ""; // <-- XML file with external path lengths
463  fUseExtMaxPl = false;
464  fUseSplines = false;
465  fNFluxNeutrinos = 0; // <-- number of flux neutrinos thrown so far
467  fXSecSplineNbins = 100; // <-- number of energy bins used in the xsec splines
468  fPmaxLogBinning = false; // <-- maximum interaction probability is computed in logarithmic energy bins
469  fPmaxNbins = 300; // <-- number of energy bins used in the maximum interaction probability
470  fPmaxSafetyFactor = 1.2; // <-- safety factor to compute maximum interaction probability per neutrino & per energy bin
471  fGlobPmax = 0; // <-- maximum interaction probability (global prob scale)
472  fPmax.clear(); // <-- maximum interaction probability per neutrino & per energy bin
474  fForceInteraction = false; // <-- default opt to not force the interaction
475  fGenerateUnweighted = false; // <-- default opt to generate weighted events
476  fPreSelect = true; // <-- default to use pre-selection based on maximum path lengths
478  fSelTgtPdg = 0;
479  fCurEvt = 0;
480  fCurVtx.SetXYZT(0.,0.,0.,0.);
482  fFluxIntProbFile = 0;
483  fFluxIntTreeName = "gFlxIntProb";
484  fFluxIntFileName = "";
485  fFluxIntTree = 0;
486  fBrFluxIntProb = -1.;
487  fBrFluxIndex = -1;
488  fBrFluxEnu = -1.;
489  fBrFluxWeight = -1.;
490  fBrFluxPDG = 0;
491  fSumFluxIntProbs.clear();
493  // Throw as many flux neutrinos as necessary till one has interacted
494  // so that GenerateEvent() never returns NULL (except when in error)
495  this->KeepOnThrowingFluxNeutrinos(true);
497  // Allow the selected GEVGDriver to go into recursive mode and regenerate
498  // an interaction that turns out to be unphysical.
499  //TBits unphysmask(GHepFlags::NFlags());
500  //unphysmask.ResetAllBits(false);
501  //this->FilterUnphysical(unphysmask);
503  // Force early initialization of singleton objects that are typically
504  // would be initialized at their first use later on.
505  // This is purely cosmetic and I do it to send the banner and some prolific
506  // initialization printout at the top.
507  assert( Messenger::Instance() );
508  assert( AlgConfigPool::Instance() );
510  // Clear the target and neutrino lists
511  fNuList.clear();
512  fTgtList.clear();
514  // Clear the maximum path length list
515  fMaxPathLengths.clear();
516  fCurPathLengths.clear();
517 }
518 //___________________________________________________________________________
520 {
521  // Get the list of flux neutrinos from the flux driver
522  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
523  << "Asking the flux driver for its list of neutrinos";
524  fNuList = fFluxDriver->FluxParticles();
526  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE) << "Flux particles: " << fNuList;
528  // Get the list of target materials from the geometry driver
529  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
530  << "Asking the geometry driver for its list of targets";
531  fTgtList = fGeomAnalyzer->ListOfTargetNuclei();
533  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE) << "Target materials: " << fTgtList;
534 }
535 //___________________________________________________________________________
537 {
538  if(fUseExtMaxPl) {
539  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
540  << "Loading external max path-length list for input geometry from "
541  << fMaxPlXmlFilename;
542  fMaxPathLengths.LoadFromXml(fMaxPlXmlFilename);
544  } else {
545  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
546  << "Querying the geometry driver to compute the max path-length list";
547  fMaxPathLengths = fGeomAnalyzer->ComputeMaxPathLengths();
548  }
549  // Print maximum path lengths & neutrino energy
550  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
551  << "Maximum path length list: " << fMaxPathLengths;
552 }
553 //___________________________________________________________________________
555 {
556  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
557  << "Querying the flux driver for the maximum energy of flux neutrinos";
558  fEmax = fFluxDriver->MaxEnergy();
560  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
561  << "Maximum flux neutrino energy = " << fEmax << " GeV";
562 }
563 //___________________________________________________________________________
565 {
566  LOG("GMCJDriver", pDEBUG)
567  << "Creating GEVGPool & adding a GEVGDriver object per init-state";
569  if (fGPool) delete fGPool;
570  fGPool = new GEVGPool;
572  PDGCodeList::const_iterator nuiter;
573  PDGCodeList::const_iterator tgtiter;
575  for(nuiter = fNuList.begin(); nuiter != fNuList.end(); ++nuiter) {
576  for(tgtiter = fTgtList.begin(); tgtiter != fTgtList.end(); ++tgtiter) {
578  int target_pdgc = *tgtiter;
579  int neutrino_pdgc = *nuiter;
581  InitialState init_state(target_pdgc, neutrino_pdgc);
583  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
584  << "\n\n ---- Creating a GEVGDriver object configured for init-state: "
585  << init_state.AsString() << " ----\n\n";
587  GEVGDriver * evgdriver = new GEVGDriver;
588  evgdriver->SetEventGeneratorList(fEventGenList); // specify list of generators
589  evgdriver->Configure(init_state);
590  evgdriver->UseSplines(); // check if all splines needed are loaded
592  LOG("GMCJDriver", pDEBUG) << "Adding new GEVGDriver object to GEVGPool";
593  fGPool->insert( GEVGPool::value_type(init_state.AsString(), evgdriver) );
594  } // targets
595  } // neutrinos
597  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
598  << "All necessary GEVGDriver object were pushed into GEVGPool\n";
599 }
600 //___________________________________________________________________________
602 {
603 // Bootstrap cross section spline generation by the event generation drivers
604 // that handle each initial state.
606  if(!fUseSplines) return;
608  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
609  << "Asking event generation drivers to compute all needed xsec splines";
611  PDGCodeList::const_iterator nuiter;
612  PDGCodeList::const_iterator tgtiter;
613  for(nuiter = fNuList.begin(); nuiter != fNuList.end(); ++nuiter){
614  for(tgtiter = fTgtList.begin(); tgtiter != fTgtList.end(); ++tgtiter) {
615  int target_pdgc = *tgtiter;
616  int neutrino_pdgc = *nuiter;
617  InitialState init_state(target_pdgc, neutrino_pdgc);
618  LOG("GMCJDriver", pINFO)
619  << "Computing all splines needed for init-state: "
620  << init_state.AsString();
621  GEVGDriver * evgdriver = fGPool->FindDriver(init_state);
622  evgdriver->CreateSplines(-1,-1,fUseLogE);
623  } // targets
624  } // neutrinos
625  LOG("GMCJDriver", pINFO) << "Finished creating cross section splines\n";
626 }
627 //___________________________________________________________________________
629 {
630 // Sum-up the cross section splines for all the interaction that can be
631 // simulated for each initial state
633  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
634  << "Summing-up splines to get total cross section for each init state";
636  GEVGPool::iterator diter;
637  for(diter = fGPool->begin(); diter != fGPool->end(); ++diter) {
638  string init_state = diter->first;
639  GEVGDriver * evgdriver = diter->second;
640  assert(evgdriver);
641  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
642  << "**** Summing xsec splines for init-state = " << init_state;
644  Range1D_t rE = evgdriver->ValidEnergyRange();
645  if (fEmax>rE.max || fEmax<rE.min)
646  LOG("GMCJDriver",pFATAL)
647  << " rE (validEnergyRange) [" << rE.min << "," << rE.max << "] "
648  << " fEmax " << fEmax;
649  assert(fEmax<rE.max && fEmax>rE.min);
651  // decide the energy range for the sum spline - extend the spline a little
652  // bit above the maximum beam energy (but below the maximum valid energy)
653  // to avoid the evaluation of the cubic spline around the viscinity of
654  // knots with zero y values (although the GENIE Spline object handles it)
655  double min = rE.min;
656  double max = TMath::Min(rE.max, fEmax);
658  // Because of edge issue (see GENIE docdb 297) these lines are commented out
659  // double dE = fEmax/10.;
660  // double max = (fEmax+dE < rE.max) ? fEmax+dE : rE.max;
662  // in the logaritmic binning is important to have a narrow binning to
663  // describe better the glashow resonance peak.
664  evgdriver->CreateXSecSumSpline(fXSecSplineNbins,min,max,true);
665  }
666  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
667  << "Finished summing all interaction xsec splines per initial state";
668 }
669 //___________________________________________________________________________
671 {
672 // Computing interaction probability scales.
673 // To minimize the numbers or trials before choosing a neutrino+target init
674 // state for generating an event (note: each trial means selecting a flux
675 // neutrino, navigating it through the detector to compute path lengths,
676 // computing interaction probabilities for each material and so on...)
677 // a set of probability scales can be used for different neutrino species
678 // and at different energy bins.
679 // A global probability scale is also being constructed for keeping the correct
680 // proportions between differect flux neutrino species or flux neutrinos of
681 // different energies.
683  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
684  << "Computing the max. interaction probability (probability scale)";
686  // clean up global probability scale and maximum probabilties per neutrino
687  // type & energy bin
688  {
689  fGlobPmax = 0;
690  map<int,TH1D*>::iterator pmax_iter = fPmax.begin();
691  for( ; pmax_iter != fPmax.end(); ++pmax_iter) {
692  TH1D * pmax = pmax_iter->second;
693  if(pmax) {
694  delete pmax; pmax = 0;
695  }
696  }
697  fPmax.clear();
698  }
700  double * ebins;
701  if (fPmaxLogBinning) {
702  double emin = 0.1;
703  double de = (TMath::Log10(fEmax) - TMath::Log10(emin)) / fPmaxNbins;
704  ebins = new double[fPmaxNbins+1];
705  for(int i=0; i<=fPmaxNbins; i++) ebins[i] = TMath::Power(10., TMath::Log10(emin) + i * de);
706  }
707  else {
708  // for maximum interaction probability vs E /for given geometry/ I will
709  // be using 300 bins up to the maximum energy for the input flux
710  double de = fEmax/fPmaxNbins;//djk june 5, 2013
711  double emin = 0.0;
712  double emax = fEmax + de;
713  fPmaxNbins++;
714  ebins = new double[fPmaxNbins+1];
715  for(int i=0; i<=fPmaxNbins; i++) ebins[i] = emin + i * (emax-emin)/fPmaxNbins;
716  }
718  PDGCodeList::const_iterator nuiter;
719  PDGCodeList::const_iterator tgtiter;
721  // loop over all neutrino types generated by the flux driver
722  for(nuiter = fNuList.begin(); nuiter != fNuList.end(); ++nuiter) {
723  int neutrino_pdgc = *nuiter;
724  TH1D * pmax_hst = new TH1D("pmax_hst",
725  "max interaction probability vs E | geom",fPmaxNbins,ebins);
726  pmax_hst->SetDirectory(0);
728  // loop over energy bins
729  for(int ie = 1; ie <= pmax_hst->GetNbinsX(); ie++) {
730  double EvLow = pmax_hst->GetBinCenter(ie) - 0.5*pmax_hst->GetBinWidth(ie);
731  double EvHigh = pmax_hst->GetBinCenter(ie) + 0.5*pmax_hst->GetBinWidth(ie);
732  //double Ev = pmax_hst->GetBinCenter(ie);
734  // loop over targets in input geometry, form initial state and compute
735  // the sum of maximum interaction probabilities at the current energy bin
736  //
737  for(tgtiter = fTgtList.begin(); tgtiter != fTgtList.end(); ++tgtiter) {
738  int target_pdgc = *tgtiter;
740  InitialState init_state(target_pdgc, neutrino_pdgc);
742  LOG("GMCJDriver", pDEBUG)
743  << "Computing Pmax for init-state: " << init_state.AsString() << " E from " << EvLow << "-" << EvHigh;
745  // get the appropriate driver
746  GEVGDriver * evgdriver = fGPool->FindDriver(init_state);
748  // get xsec sum over all modelled processes for given neutrino+target)
749  double sxsecLow = evgdriver->XSecSumSpline()->Evaluate(EvLow);
750  double sxsecHigh = evgdriver->XSecSumSpline()->Evaluate(EvHigh);
752  // get max{path-length x density}
753  double plmax = fMaxPathLengths.PathLength(target_pdgc);
755  // compute/store the max interaction probabiity (for given energy)
756  int A = pdg::IonPdgCodeToA(target_pdgc);
757  double pmaxLow = this->InteractionProbability(sxsecLow, plmax, A);
758  double pmaxHigh = this->InteractionProbability(sxsecHigh, plmax, A);
760  double pmax = pmaxHigh;
761  if ( pmaxLow > pmaxHigh){
762  pmax = pmaxLow;
763  LOG("GMCJDriver", pWARN)
764  << "Lower energy neutrinos have a higher probability of interacting than those at higher energy."
765  << " pmaxLow(E=" << EvLow << ")=" << pmaxLow << " and " << " pmaxHigh(E=" << EvHigh << ")=" << pmaxHigh;
766  }
768  pmax_hst->SetBinContent(ie, pmax_hst->GetBinContent(ie) + pmax);
770  LOG("GMCJDriver", pDEBUG)
771  << "Pmax[" << init_state.AsString() << ", Ev from " << EvLow << "-" << EvHigh << "] = " << pmax;
772  } // targets
774  pmax_hst->SetBinContent(ie, fPmaxSafetyFactor * pmax_hst->GetBinContent(ie));
776  LOG("GMCJDriver", pINFO)
777  << "Pmax[nu=" << neutrino_pdgc << ", Ev from " << EvLow << "-" << EvHigh << "] = "
778  << pmax_hst->GetBinContent(ie);
779  } // E
781  fPmax.insert(map<int,TH1D*>::value_type(neutrino_pdgc,pmax_hst));
782  } // nu
784  delete ebins;
786  // Compute global probability scale
787  // Sum Probabilities {
788  // all neutrinos, all targets, @ max path length, @ max energy}
789  //
790  {
791  for(nuiter = fNuList.begin(); nuiter != fNuList.end(); ++nuiter) {
792  int neutrino_pdgc = *nuiter;
793  map<int,TH1D*>::const_iterator pmax_iter = fPmax.find(neutrino_pdgc);
794  assert(pmax_iter != fPmax.end());
795  TH1D * pmax_hst = pmax_iter->second;
796  assert(pmax_hst);
797 // double pmax = pmax_hst->GetBinContent(pmax_hst->FindBin(fEmax));
798  double pmax = pmax_hst->GetMaximum();
799  assert(pmax>0);
800 // fGlobPmax += pmax;
801  fGlobPmax = TMath::Max(pmax, fGlobPmax); // ?;
802  }
803  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE) << "*** Probability scale = " << fGlobPmax;
804  }
805 }
806 //___________________________________________________________________________
808 {
809  fCurPathLengths.clear();
810  fCurEvt = 0;
811  fSelTgtPdg = 0;
812  fCurVtx.SetXYZT(0.,0.,0.,0.);
813 }
814 //___________________________________________________________________________
816 {
817  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE) << "Generating next event...";
819  this->InitEventGeneration();
821  while(1) {
822  bool flux_end = fFluxDriver->End();
823  if(flux_end) {
824  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
825  << "No more neutrinos can be thrown by the flux driver";
826  return 0;
827  }
829  EventRecord * event = this->GenerateEvent1Try();
830  if(event) return event;
832  if(fKeepThrowingFluxNu) {
833  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
834  << "Flux neutrino didn't interact - Trying the next one...";
835  continue;
836  }
837  break;
838  } // (w(1)
840  LOG("GMCJDriver", pINFO) << "Returning NULL event!";
841  return 0;
842 }
843 //___________________________________________________________________________
845 {
846 // attempt generating a neutrino interaction by firing a single flux neutrino
847 //
848  RandomGen * rnd = RandomGen::Instance();
850  double Pno=0, Psum=0;
851  double R = rnd->RndEvg().Rndm();
852  LOG("GMCJDriver", pDEBUG) << "Rndm [0,1] = " << R;
854  // Generate a neutrino using the input GFluxI & get current pdgc/p4/x4
855  bool flux_ok = this->GenerateFluxNeutrino();
856  if(!flux_ok) {
857  LOG("GMCJDriver", pERROR)
858  << "** Rejecting current flux neutrino (flux driver err)";
859  return 0;
860  }
862  if (fForceInteraction) {
863  bool pl_ok = this->ComputePathLengths();
864  if(!pl_ok) {
865  LOG("GMCJDriver", pFATAL) << "** Cannot calculate path lenths!";
866  exit(1);
867  }
868  if(fCurPathLengths.AreAllZero()) {
869  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
870  << "** Rejecting current flux neutrino (misses generation volume)";
871  return 0;
872  }
873  Psum = this->ComputeInteractionProbabilities(false);
874  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
875  << "The interaction probability is: " << Psum;
876  R *= Psum;
877  }
878  else {
879  // Compute the interaction probabilities assuming max. path lengths
880  // and decide whether the neutrino would interact --
881  // Many flux neutrinos should be rejected here, drastically reducing
882  // the number of neutrinos that I need to propagate through the
883  // actual detector geometry (this is skipped when using
884  // pre-calculated flux interaction probabilities)
885  if(fPreSelect) {
886  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
887  << "Computing interaction probabilities for max. path lengths";
889  Psum = this->ComputeInteractionProbabilities(true /* <- max PL*/);
890  Pno = 1-Psum;
891  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
892  << "The no-interaction probability (max. path lengths) is: "
893  << 100*Pno << " %";
894  if(Pno<0.) {
895  LOG("GMCJDriver", pFATAL)
896  << "Negative no-interaction probability! (P = " << 100*Pno << " %)"
897  << " Particle E=" << fFluxDriver->Momentum().E() << " type=" << fFluxDriver->PdgCode() << "Psum=" << Psum;
898  gAbortingInErr=true;
899  exit(1);
900  }
901  if(R>=1-Pno) {
902  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
903  << "** Rejecting current flux neutrino";
904  return 0;
905  }
906  } // preselect
908  bool pl_ok = false;
911  // If possible use pre-generated flux neutrino interaction probabilities
912  if(fFluxIntTree){
913  Psum = this->PreGenFluxInteractionProbability();
914  }
915  // Else compute them in the usual manner
916  else {
917  // Compute (pathLength x density x weight fraction) for all materials
918  // in the input geometry, for the neutrino generated by the flux driver
919  pl_ok = this->ComputePathLengths();
920  if(!pl_ok) {
921  LOG("GMCJDriver", pERROR)
922  << "** Rejecting current flux neutrino (err computing path-lengths)";
923  return 0;
924  }
925  if(fCurPathLengths.AreAllZero()) {
926  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
927  << "** Rejecting current flux neutrino (misses generation volume)";
928  return 0;
929  }
930  Psum = this->ComputeInteractionProbabilities(false /* <- actual PL */);
931  }
934  if(TMath::Abs(Psum) < controls::kASmallNum){
935  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
936  << "** Rejecting current flux neutrino (has null interaction probability)";
937  return 0;
938  }
940  // Now decide whether the current neutrino interacts
941  Pno = 1-Psum;
942  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
943  << "The actual 'no interaction' probability is: " << 100*Pno << " %";
944  if(Pno<0.) {
945  LOG("GMCJDriver", pFATAL)
946  << "Negative no interactin probability! (P = " << 100*Pno << " %)";
948  // print info about what caused the problem
949  int nupdg = fFluxDriver -> PdgCode ();
950  const TLorentzVector & nup4 = fFluxDriver -> Momentum ();
951  const TLorentzVector & nux4 = fFluxDriver -> Position ();
953  LOG("GMCJDriver", pWARN)
954  << "\n [-] Problematic neutrino: "
955  << "\n |----o PDG-code : " << nupdg
956  << "\n |----o 4-momentum : " << utils::print::P4AsString(&nup4)
957  << "\n |----o 4-position : " << utils::print::X4AsString(&nux4)
958  << "\n Emax : " << fEmax;
960  LOG("GMCJDriver", pWARN)
961  << "\n Problematic path lengths:" << fCurPathLengths;
963  LOG("GMCJDriver", pWARN)
964  << "\n Maximum path lengths:" << fMaxPathLengths;
966  exit(1);
967  }
968  if(R>=1-Pno) {
969  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
970  << "** Rejecting current flux neutrino";
971  return 0;
972  }
974  //
975  // The flux neutrino interacts!
976  //
978  // Calculate path lengths for first time and check potential mismatch if
979  // used pre-generated flux interaction probabilities
980  if(fFluxIntTree){
981  pl_ok = this->ComputePathLengths();
982  if(!pl_ok) {
983  LOG("GMCJDriver", pFATAL) << "** Cannot calculate path lenths!";
984  exit(1);
985  }
986  double Psum_curr = this->ComputeInteractionProbabilities(false /* <- actual PL */);
987  bool mismatch = TMath::Abs(Psum-Psum_curr) > controls::kASmallNum;
988  if(mismatch){
989  LOG("GMCJDriver", pFATAL) <<
990  "** Mismatch between pre-calculated and current interaction "<<
991  "probabilities!";
992  exit(1);
993  }
994  }
995  }
997  // Select a target material
998  fSelTgtPdg = this->SelectTargetMaterial(R);
999  if(fSelTgtPdg==0) {
1000  LOG("GMCJDriver", pERROR)
1001  << "** Rejecting current flux neutrino (failed to select tgt!)";
1002  return 0;
1003  }
1005  // Ask the GEVGDriver object to select and generate an interaction and
1006  // its kinematics for the selected initial state & neutrino 4-momentum
1007  this->GenerateEventKinematics();
1008  if(!fCurEvt) {
1009  LOG("GMCJDriver", pWARN)
1010  << "** Couldn't generate kinematics for selected interaction";
1011  return 0;
1012  }
1014  // Generate an 'interaction position' in the selected material (in the
1015  // detector coord system), along the direction of nup4 & set it
1016  this->GenerateVertexPosition();
1018  // Set the event probability (probability for this event to happen given
1019  // the detector setup & the selected flux neutrino)
1020  // Note for users:
1021  // The above probability is stored at GHepRecord::Probability()
1022  // For normalization purposes make sure that you take into account the
1023  // GHepRecord::Weight() -if event generation is weighted-, and
1024  // GFluxI::Weight() -if beam simulation is weighted-.
1025  if(fForceInteraction) {
1026  double weight = 1. - TMath::Exp(-Psum);
1027  fCurEvt->SetProbability(Psum);
1028  fCurEvt->SetWeight(weight * fCurEvt->Weight());
1029  }
1030  else {
1031  this->ComputeEventProbability();
1032  }
1034  return fCurEvt;
1035 }
1036 //___________________________________________________________________________
1038 {
1039 // Ask the neutrino flux driver to generate a flux neutrino and make sure
1040 // that things look ok...
1041 //
1042  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE) << "Generating a flux neutrino";
1044  bool ok = fFluxDriver->GenerateNext();
1045  if(!ok) {
1046  LOG("GMCJDriver", pERROR)
1047  << "*** The flux driver couldn't generate a flux neutrino!!";
1048  return false;
1049  }
1051  fNFluxNeutrinos++;
1052  int nupdg = fFluxDriver -> PdgCode ();
1053  const TLorentzVector & nup4 = fFluxDriver -> Momentum ();
1054  const TLorentzVector & nux4 = fFluxDriver -> Position ();
1056  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
1057  << "\n [-] Generated flux neutrino: "
1058  << "\n |----o PDG-code : " << nupdg
1059  << "\n |----o 4-momentum : " << utils::print::P4AsString(&nup4)
1060  << "\n |----o 4-position : " << utils::print::X4AsString(&nux4);
1062  if(nup4.Energy() > fEmax) {
1063  LOG("GMCJDriver", pFATAL)
1064  << "\n *** Flux driver error ***"
1065  << "\n Generated flux v with E = " << nup4.Energy() << " GeV"
1066  << "\n Max v energy (declared by flux driver) = " << fEmax << " GeV"
1067  << "\n My interaction probability scaling is invalidated!!";
1068  return false;
1069  }
1070  if(!fNuList.ExistsInPDGCodeList(nupdg)) {
1071  LOG("GMCJDriver", pFATAL)
1072  << "\n *** Flux driver error ***"
1073  << "\n Generated flux v with pdg = " << nupdg
1074  << "\n It does not belong to the declared list of flux neutrinos"
1075  << "\n I was not configured to handle this!!";
1076  return false;
1077  }
1078  return true;
1079 }
1080 //___________________________________________________________________________
1082 {
1083 // Ask the geometry driver to compute (pathLength x density x weight frac.)
1084 // for all detector materials for the neutrino generated by the flux driver
1085 // and make sure that things look ok...
1087  fCurPathLengths.clear();
1089  const TLorentzVector & nup4 = fFluxDriver -> Momentum ();
1090  const TLorentzVector & nux4 = fFluxDriver -> Position ();
1092  fCurPathLengths = fGeomAnalyzer->ComputePathLengths(nux4, nup4);
1094  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE) << fCurPathLengths;
1096  if(fCurPathLengths.size() == 0) {
1097  LOG("GMCJDriver", pFATAL)
1098  << "\n *** Geometry driver error ***"
1099  << "\n Got an empty PathLengthList - No material found in geometry?";
1100  return false;
1101  }
1103  if(fCurPathLengths.AreAllZero()) {
1104  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
1105  << "current flux v doesn't cross any geometry material...";
1106  }
1107  return true;
1108 }
1109 //___________________________________________________________________________
1110 double GMCJDriver::ComputeInteractionProbabilities(bool use_max_path_length)
1111 {
1112  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
1113  << "Computing relative interaction probabilities for each material";
1115  // current flux neutrino code & 4-p
1116  int nupdg = fFluxDriver->PdgCode();
1117  const TLorentzVector & nup4 = fFluxDriver->Momentum();
1119  fCurCumulProbMap.clear();
1121  const PathLengthList & path_length_list =
1122  (use_max_path_length) ? fMaxPathLengths : fCurPathLengths;
1124  double probsum=0;
1125  PathLengthList::const_iterator pliter;
1127  for(pliter = path_length_list.begin();
1128  pliter != path_length_list.end(); ++pliter) {
1129  int mpdg = pliter->first; // material PDG code
1130  double pl = pliter->second; // density x path-length
1131  int A = pdg::IonPdgCodeToA(mpdg);
1132  double xsec = 0.; // sum of xsecs for all modelled processes for given init state
1133  double prob = 0.; // interaction probability
1134  double probn = 0.; // normalized interaction probability
1136  // find the GEVGDriver object that is handling the current init state
1137  InitialState init_state(mpdg, nupdg);
1138  GEVGDriver * evgdriver = fGPool->FindDriver(init_state);
1139  if(!evgdriver) {
1140  LOG("GMCJDriver", pFATAL)
1141  << "\n * The MC Job driver isn't properly configured!"
1142  << "\n * No event generation driver could be found for init state: "
1143  << init_state.AsString();
1144  exit(1);
1145  }
1146  // compute the interaction xsec and probability (if path-length>0)
1147  if(pl>0.) {
1148  const Spline * totxsecspl = evgdriver->XSecSumSpline();
1149  if(!totxsecspl) {
1150  LOG("GMCJDriver", pFATAL)
1151  << "\n * The MC Job driver isn't properly configured!"
1152  << "\n * Couldn't retrieve total cross section spline for init state: "
1153  << init_state.AsString();
1154  exit(1);
1155  } else {
1156  xsec = totxsecspl->Evaluate( nup4.Energy() );
1157  }
1158  prob = this->InteractionProbability(xsec,pl,A);
1159  LOG("GMCJDriver", pDEBUG)
1160  << " (xsec, pl, A)=(" << xsec << "," << pl << "," << A << ")";
1162  // scale the interaction probability to the maximum one so as not
1163  // to have to throw few billions of flux neutrinos before getting
1164  // an interaction...
1165  double pmax = 0;
1166  if(fForceInteraction) pmax = 1.;
1167  else if(fGenerateUnweighted) pmax = fGlobPmax;
1168  else {
1169  map<int,TH1D*>::const_iterator pmax_iter = fPmax.find(nupdg);
1170  assert(pmax_iter != fPmax.end());
1171  TH1D * pmax_hst = pmax_iter->second;
1172  assert(pmax_hst);
1173  int ie = pmax_hst->FindBin(nup4.Energy());
1174  pmax = pmax_hst->GetBinContent(ie);
1175  }
1176  assert(pmax>0);
1177  LOG("GMCJDriver", pDEBUG)
1178  << "Pmax=" << pmax;
1179  probn = prob/pmax;
1180  }
1182  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
1183  << "tgt: " << mpdg << " -> TotXSec = "
1184  << xsec/units::cm2 << " cm^2, Norm.Prob = " << 100*probn << "%";
1185 #endif
1187  probsum += probn;
1188  fCurCumulProbMap.insert(map<int,double>::value_type(mpdg,probsum));
1189  }
1190  return probsum;
1191 }
1192 //___________________________________________________________________________
1194 {
1195 // Pick a target material using the pre-computed interaction probabilities
1196 // for a flux neutrino that has already been determined that interacts
1198  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE) << "Selecting target material";
1199  int tgtpdg = 0;
1200  map<int,double>::const_iterator probiter = fCurCumulProbMap.begin();
1201  for( ; probiter != fCurCumulProbMap.end(); ++probiter) {
1202  double prob = probiter->second;
1203  if(R<prob) {
1204  tgtpdg = probiter->first;
1205  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
1206  << "Selected target material = " << tgtpdg;
1207  return tgtpdg;
1208  }
1209  }
1210  LOG("GMCJDriver", pERROR)
1211  << "Could not select target material for an interacting neutrino";
1212  return 0;
1213 }
1214 //___________________________________________________________________________
1216 {
1217  int nupdg = fFluxDriver->PdgCode();
1218  const TLorentzVector & nup4 = fFluxDriver->Momentum();
1220  // Find the GEVGDriver object that generates interactions for the
1221  // given initial state (neutrino + target)
1222  InitialState init_state(fSelTgtPdg, nupdg);
1223  GEVGDriver * evgdriver = fGPool->FindDriver(init_state);
1224  if(!evgdriver) {
1225  LOG("GMCJDriver", pFATAL)
1226  << "No GEVGDriver object for init state: " << init_state.AsString();
1227  exit(1);
1228  }
1230  // propagate current unphysical event mask
1231  evgdriver->SetUnphysEventMask(*fUnphysEventMask);
1233  // Ask the GEVGDriver object to select and generate an interaction for
1234  // the selected initial state & neutrino 4-momentum
1235  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
1236  << "Asking the selected GEVGDriver object to generate an event";
1237  fCurEvt = evgdriver->GenerateEvent(nup4);
1238 }
1239 //___________________________________________________________________________
1241 {
1242  // Generate an 'interaction position' in the selected material, along
1243  // the direction of nup4
1244  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
1245  << "Asking the geometry analyzer to generate a vertex";
1247  const TLorentzVector & p4 = fFluxDriver->Momentum ();
1248  const TLorentzVector & x4 = fFluxDriver->Position ();
1250  const TVector3 & vtx = fGeomAnalyzer->GenerateVertex(x4, p4, fSelTgtPdg);
1252  TVector3 origin(x4.X(), x4.Y(), x4.Z());
1253  origin-=vtx; // computes vector dr = origin - vtx
1255  double dL = origin.Mag();
1256  double v = p4.Beta() * kLightSpeed /(units::meter/units::second);
1257  double dt = dL/v;
1259  LOG("GMCJDriver", pNOTICE)
1260  << "|vtx - origin|: dL = " << dL << " m, dt = " << dt << " sec";
1262  fCurVtx.SetXYZT(vtx.x(), vtx.y(), vtx.z(), x4.T() + dt);
1264  fCurEvt->SetVertex(fCurVtx);
1265 }
1266 //___________________________________________________________________________
1268 {
1269 // Compute event probability for the given flux neutrino & detector geometry
1271  // get interaction cross section
1272  double xsec = fCurEvt->XSec();
1274  // get path length in detector along v direction for specified target material
1275  PathLengthList::const_iterator pliter = fCurPathLengths.find(fSelTgtPdg);
1276  double path_length = pliter->second;
1278  // get target material mass number
1279  int A = pdg::IonPdgCodeToA(fSelTgtPdg);
1281  // calculate interaction probability
1282  double P = this->InteractionProbability(xsec, path_length, A);
1284  //
1285  // get weight for selected event
1286  //
1288  GHepParticle * nu = fCurEvt->Probe();
1289  int nu_pdg = nu->Pdg();
1290  double Ev = nu->P4()->Energy();
1292  double weight = 1.0;
1293  if(!fGenerateUnweighted) {
1294  map<int,TH1D*>::const_iterator pmax_iter = fPmax.find(nu_pdg);
1295  assert(pmax_iter != fPmax.end());
1296  TH1D * pmax_hst = pmax_iter->second;
1297  assert(pmax_hst);
1298  double pmax = pmax_hst->GetBinContent(pmax_hst->FindBin(Ev));
1299  assert(pmax>0);
1300  weight = pmax/fGlobPmax;
1301  }
1303  // set probability & update weight
1304  fCurEvt->SetProbability(P);
1305  fCurEvt->SetWeight(weight * fCurEvt->Weight());
1306 }
1307 //___________________________________________________________________________
1308 double GMCJDriver::InteractionProbability(double xsec, double pL, int A)
1309 {
1310 // P = Na (Avogadro number, atoms/mole) *
1311 // 1/A (1/mass number, mole/gr) *
1312 // xsec (total interaction cross section, cm^2) *
1313 // pL (density-weighted path-length, gr/cm^2)
1314 //
1315  xsec = xsec / units::cm2;
1318  return kNA*(xsec*pL)/A;
1319 }
1320 //___________________________________________________________________________
1322 {
1323 // Return the pre-computed interaction probability for the current flux
1324 // neutrino index (entry number in flux file). Exit if not possible as
1325 // using meaningless interaction probability leads to incorrect physics
1326 //
1327  if(!fFluxIntTree){
1328  LOG("GMCJDriver", pERROR) <<
1329  "Cannot get pre-computed flux interaction probability as no tree!";
1330  exit(1);
1331  }
1333  assert(fFluxDriver->Index() >= 0); // Check trying to find meaningfull index
1335  // Check if can find relevant entry and no mismatch in energies -->
1336  // using correct pre-gen interaction prob file
1337  bool found_entry = fFluxIntTree->GetEntryWithIndex(fFluxDriver->Index()) > 0;
1338  bool enu_match = false;
1339  if(found_entry){
1340  double rel_err = fBrFluxEnu-fFluxDriver->Momentum().E();
1341  if(fBrFluxEnu > controls::kASmallNum) rel_err /= fBrFluxEnu;
1342  enu_match = TMath::Abs(rel_err)<controls::kASmallNum;
1343  if(enu_match == false){
1344  LOG("GMCJDriver", pERROR) <<
1345  "Mismatch between: Enu_curr = "<< fFluxDriver->Momentum().E() <<
1346  ", Enu_pre_gen = "<< fBrFluxEnu;
1347  }
1348  }
1349  else {
1350  LOG("GMCJDriver", pERROR) << "Cannot find flux entry in interaction prob tree!";
1351  }
1353  // Exit if not successful
1354  bool success = found_entry && enu_match;
1355  if(!success){
1356  LOG("GMCJDriver", pFATAL) <<
1357  "Cannot find pre-generated interaction probability! Check you "<<
1358  "are using the correct pre-generated interaction prob file " <<
1359  "generated using current flux input file with same input " <<
1360  "config (same geom TopVol, neutrino species list)";
1361  exit(1);
1362  }
1363  assert(fGlobPmax+controls::kASmallNum>0.0);
1364  return fBrFluxIntProb/fGlobPmax;
1365 }
1366 //___________________________________________________________________________
void CreateXSecSumSpline(int nk, double Emin, double Emax, bool inlogE=true)
Definition: GEVGDriver.cxx:440
void SetUnphysEventMask(const TBits &mask)
Definition: GMCJDriver.cxx:74
void ForceInteraction(void)
Definition: GMCJDriver.cxx:162
void PopulateEventGenDriverPool(void)
Definition: GMCJDriver.cxx:564
bool PreCalcFluxProbabilities(void)
Definition: GMCJDriver.cxx:192
void InitJob(void)
Definition: GMCJDriver.cxx:448
#define pERROR
Definition: Messenger.h:59
void GetMaxPathLengthList(void)
Definition: GMCJDriver.cxx:536
static RandomGen * Instance()
Access instance.
Definition: RandomGen.cxx:71
void SetEventGeneratorList(string listname)
Definition: GMCJDriver.cxx:66
const TLorentzVector * P4(void) const
Definition: GHepParticle.h:78
static constexpr double gram
Definition: Units.h:140
void InitEventGeneration(void)
Definition: GMCJDriver.cxx:807
A simple [min,max] interval for doubles.
Definition: Range1.h:42
string BoolAsYNString(bool b)
Definition: PrintUtils.cxx:108
A numeric analysis tool class for interpolating 1-D functions.
Definition: Spline.h:58
#define pFATAL
Definition: Messenger.h:56
int IonPdgCodeToA(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:63
bool GenerateFluxNeutrino(void)
bool ComputePathLengths(void)
string P4AsString(const TLorentzVector *p)
Definition: PrintUtils.cxx:27
const Spline * XSecSumSpline(void) const
Definition: GEVGDriver.h:87
double Evaluate(double x) const
Definition: Spline.cxx:363
A singleton holding random number generator classes. All random number generation in GENIE should tak...
Definition: RandomGen.h:29
void ComputeEventProbability(void)
int Pdg(void) const
Definition: GHepParticle.h:63
Range1D_t ValidEnergyRange(void) const
Definition: GEVGDriver.cxx:674
void UseFluxDriver(GFluxI *flux)
Definition: GMCJDriver.cxx:83
Object to be filled with the neutrino path-length, for all detector geometry materials, when starting from a position x and travelling along the direction of the neutrino 4-momentum.
void KeepOnThrowingFluxNeutrinos(bool keep_on)
Definition: GMCJDriver.cxx:120
void GetMaxFluxEnergy(void)
Definition: GMCJDriver.cxx:554
static constexpr double second
Definition: Units.h:37
static unsigned int NFlags(void)
Definition: GHepFlags.h:76
int PdgCode(Resonance_t res, int Q)
(resonance id, charge) -&gt; PDG code
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:96
static constexpr double kilogram
Definition: Units.h:36
void SetEventGeneratorList(string listname)
Definition: GEVGDriver.cxx:348
static constexpr double m2
Definition: Units.h:72
static constexpr double A
Definition: Units.h:74
void SetPmaxSafetyFactor(double sf)
Definition: GMCJDriver.cxx:154
static constexpr double cm2
Definition: Units.h:69
void ForceSingleProbScale(void)
Definition: GMCJDriver.cxx:172
double PreGenFluxInteractionProbability(void)
static Messenger * Instance(void)
Definition: Messenger.cxx:49
bool UseMaxPathLengths(string xml_filename)
Definition: GMCJDriver.cxx:99
void Configure(bool calc_prob_scales=true)
Definition: GMCJDriver.cxx:399
string AsString(void) const
static const double kASmallNum
Definition: Controls.h:40
TRandom3 & RndEvg(void) const
rnd number generator used by the event generation drivers
Definition: RandomGen.h:74
GENIE Event Generation Driver. A minimalist user interface object for generating neutrino interaction...
Definition: GEVGDriver.h:54
#define pINFO
Definition: Messenger.h:62
void SetPmaxLogBinning(void)
Definition: GMCJDriver.cxx:137
void BootstrapXSecSplines(void)
Definition: GMCJDriver.cxx:601
double ComputeInteractionProbabilities(bool use_max_path_length)
#define pWARN
Definition: Messenger.h:60
EventRecord * GenerateEvent(void)
Definition: GMCJDriver.cxx:815
Generated Event Record. It is a GHepRecord object that can accept / be visited by EventRecordVisitorI...
Definition: EventRecord.h:37
double InteractionProbability(double xsec, double pl, int A)
void SetPmaxNbins(int nbins)
Definition: GMCJDriver.cxx:145
double max
Definition: Range1.h:53
void PreSelectEvents(bool preselect=true)
Definition: GMCJDriver.cxx:184
static constexpr double meter
Definition: Units.h:35
void GenerateEventKinematics(void)
int SelectTargetMaterial(double R)
void GenerateVertexPosition(void)
void SetXSecSplineNbins(int nbins)
Definition: GMCJDriver.cxx:128
void ComputeProbScales(void)
Definition: GMCJDriver.cxx:670
void Configure(int nu_pdgc, int Z, int A)
Definition: GEVGDriver.cxx:137
bool LoadFluxProbabilities(string filename)
Definition: GMCJDriver.cxx:343
EventRecord * GenerateEvent1Try(void)
Definition: GMCJDriver.cxx:844
string PrintFramedMesg(string mesg, unsigned int nl=1, const char f='*')
Definition: PrintUtils.cxx:164
void CreateSplines(int nknots=-1, double emax=-1, bool inLogE=true)
Definition: GEVGDriver.cxx:577
double min
Definition: Range1.h:52
void BootstrapXSecSplineSummation(void)
Definition: GMCJDriver.cxx:628
void UseSplines(void)
Definition: GEVGDriver.cxx:508
#define pNOTICE
Definition: Messenger.h:61
Defines the GENIE Geometry Analyzer Interface.
Definition: GeomAnalyzerI.h:29
string X4AsString(const TLorentzVector *x)
Definition: PrintUtils.cxx:57
void SetUnphysEventMask(const TBits &mask)
Definition: GEVGDriver.cxx:219
bool gAbortingInErr
Definition: Messenger.cxx:34
STDHEP-like event record entry that can fit a particle or a nucleus.
Definition: GHepParticle.h:39
void UseGeomAnalyzer(GeomAnalyzerI *geom)
Definition: GMCJDriver.cxx:88
void UseSplines(bool useLogE=true)
Definition: GMCJDriver.cxx:93
void SaveFluxProbabilities(string outfilename)
Definition: GMCJDriver.cxx:390
void GetParticleLists(void)
Definition: GMCJDriver.cxx:519
static AlgConfigPool * Instance()
Initial State information.
Definition: InitialState.h:48
#define pDEBUG
Definition: Messenger.h:63
GENIE Interface for user-defined flux classes.
Definition: GFluxI.h:29
EventRecord * GenerateEvent(const TLorentzVector &nu4p)
Definition: GEVGDriver.cxx:228
A pool of GEVGDriver objects with an initial state key.
Definition: GEVGPool.h:37