You are here: Foswiki>Pixels Web>TestBeam (08 Nov 2012, SergeyBurdin)Edit Attach
-- DeanForshaw - 05 Nov 2012

For information on upcoming Testbeams and past Testbeams, see PPS twiki link.

  • The twiki link above contains links to past and future testbeam twiki's with all relevant information for reco and analysis as well information for shifters on how to run the telescope and solve common problems
  • Information for each GEOID and run numbers are detailed in the google doc's spreadsheet in the relevant testbeam link within the twiki. DO NOT MAKE CHANGES THE SPREADSHEET!!!
  • link for elogs provide information on what happen within each shift, and can be useful for reco.
Data is stored on the TU Dortmund Server and on grid, conntact for information on data location and getting access to the DO sever.
Topic revision: r3 - 08 Nov 2012, SergeyBurdin
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