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-- JamesMead - 12 Sep 2018

Summer School Cheat Sheet

As you already know the mattermost exists here:

If coordination efforts ever move from facebook or slack.

Set up an indico through here:

Past examples also found here for talks, topics and timetables.

Search “Liverpool-CERN Summer School”

CERNbox to help store stuff:

I've found it a useful backup with my laptop getting so full with iterations of slides.

It contains past talks, an example of the itinerary sent round and 2018's feedback.

Material for Presentations

LHCb -



Analysis workshop stored here:

Tuples are on hepstore, locations globally accessible in code.

Two branches, one to fiddle with and test new ideas.

The other should simply be plug in and play (on <node>

Developing the workshop:

A secondary tutorial is a WIP, python based off of LHCb Starterkit

Includes some tools for presenting results/fits with gifs from LHCb IMC

Book rooms/tours/passes here:

There may be a way to allow teachers to fill in the info using your email as a reference.

If not then you'll need to use CERN email when handling personal info to request access cards.

Tour timetable and guide allocation:

Helpful if you are trained / know people who are official guides.

Might be worth talking to the new LTA arrivals about this agenda and getting on courses.

Here's the 'communication' courses including the official guide training.

Ask Liverpool group to help with the LHCb tour.

Try to get a good mix of experiments from your demonstrators if you can afford to.

Liverpool alumni now researchers on ALPHA have been relied on in the past.
Topic revision: r7 - 02 May 2019, jvmead
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