HEP Seminars


by Dr. David Douglas (Jefferson)

Wednesday 08 November 2017 from 15:30 to 16:30 (UTC)
at Chadwick Laboratory ( Barkla )
A half-century after the first description of energy-recovering linacs (ERLs) by M. Tigner [1], the promise of this architecture to provide linac-quality beam at storage-ring efficiency [2] remains elusive but persistent. We will describe the motivation for ERLs and how they operate, survey the contemporary ERL landscape, review progress to date, and detail challenges confronting upcoming generations of these machines. An overview of applications (servicing FELs, high-energy electron cooling systems, inverse Compton-driven gamma sources, internal-target experiments, accelerator science/technology test platforms) will be given, and the accelerator design status of PERLE - a Powerful Energy Recovery Linac for Experiments [3] outlined.


[1] M. Tigner, Nuovo Cimento, Journal 37, 1228 (1965)
[2] L. Merminga et al., Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 53, 387-429 (2003)
[3] D. Angal-Kalinin et al, "PERLE: Powerful Energy Recovery Linac for Experiments - Conceptual Design Report", https://arxiv.org/abs/1705.08783