HEP Seminars

The Mu3e Experiment

by Dr. Dirk Wiedner (University of Heidelberg)

Wednesday 22 October 2014 from 14:30 to 15:30 (UTC)
at Oliver Lodge Laboratory ( 1-3-337 - 337 Seminar Room )
The Mu3e experiment searches for the charged lepton flavor violating rare decay mu->eee. This decay is very heavily suppressed (<10^-54) in the Standard Model and it is a sensitive probe for many proposed models for new physics beyond the Standard Model. To reach the projected sensitivity of BR(<10^-16) more than 10^9 muon/s have to be observed for over one year of running time. Exact measurement of the decay product momentum, decay vertex and time is necessary for background suppression. This is achieved by combining an ultra-lightweight pixel tracker based on high voltage monolithic active pixel sensors (HV-MAPS) with two timing systems employing SiPMs and a trigger-less readout to an event filter farm. 
I will introduce the Mu3e experiment and discuss in detail the current status of the detector R&D.