*-- Author :    Stephen J. Maxfield   20/11/92
**: FPATUT 30907 RP. Farm changes.                                                                            
*  OUTPUT RESULTS OF PATTERN RECOGNITION IN FORWARD DRIFT CHAMBERS *                                          
*              MAKE LEVEL ZERO BANKS                               *                                          
*                                                                  *                                          
*  New version*********                                            *                                          
*                                                                  *                                          
*                                                                  *                                          
*  OUTPUT:     FTUR,0     Reconstructed track parameters           *                                          
*  =====       FPUR,0     Pointering bank to FRUX FPUX             *                                          
*              FRUX,0     Pointers to hits (parallel to FRRE)      *                                          
*              FPUX,0     Pointers to hits (parallel to FRPE)      *                                          
*      FORMAT OF BANKS FROM FORWARD TRACK RECONSTRUCTION           *                                          
*                                                                  *                                          
*      FTUR    TABLE  FMT =        (6F,I,9F,I,F,3I)                *                                          
*      ====                                                        *                                          
*                                                                  *                                          
*  1  KAPPA     F        1/radius (signed)                         *                                          
*  2  PHI       F        Phi track angle in xy plane.              *                                          
*  3  THETA     F        Theta polar angle.                        *                                          
*  4  X         F        x    ) coords of point on track,          *                                          
*  5  Y         F        y    ) either first measured point (FTUR) *                                          
*  6  Z         F        z    ) or vertex (FTVR).(z is reference   *                                          
*                               value NOT parameter.)              *                                          
*  7  IPTYPE    I        Patyp = 2 type of parametrisation         *                                          
*                                                                  *                                          
*  8  SIGMA1             )                                         *                                          
*  9  SIGMA2             )                                         *                                          
* 10  SIGMA3             )                                         *                                          
* 11  SIGMA4             )                                         *                                          
* 12  SIGMA5             )                                         *                                          
*                        )  Packed covariance matrix               *                                          
* 13  CORR1              )                                         *                                          
* 14  CORR2              )                                         *                                          
* 15  CORR3              )                                         *                                          
* 16  CORR4              )                                         *                                          
*                                                                  *                                          
* 17  NDF                Num degrees of freedom                    *                                          
* 18  CHSQ               Chisq per degree of freedom               *                                          
*                                                                  *                                          
* 19  FTUR               Pointer to next set on track (=0)         *                                          
* 20  NHIT **            Packed  number of radial and planar hits  *                                          
*                                                                  *                                          
* 21  FPUR               Pointer to pointering bank                *                                          
*                                                                  *                                          
* ** NHIT:  Bits 24-31 Number of Radial Points                     *                                          
*           Bits 16-23 Number of Planar Points                     *                                          
*                                                                  *                                          
*                                                                  *                                          
*                                                                  *                                          
*      FPUR    Pointering bank                                     *                                          
*      ====                                                        *                                          
*              FORMAT B16                                          *                                          
*  1  NHITFR            Number of radial hits                      *                                          
*  2  FRUX              pointer to FRUX bank                       *                                          
*  3  NHITFP            Number of planar hits                      *                                          
*  4  FPUX              pointer to FPUX bank                       *                                          
*                                                                  *                                          
*  Note: as there are only ever one set of track parameters on a   *                                          
*        track at level 0, this bank is effectively parallel to    *                                          
*        FTUR.                                                     *                                          
*                                                                  *                                          
*      FRUX    bank PARALLEL to FRRE bank. Lists of radial digis   *                                          
*      ====         on track using INTERNAL NEXT relation          *                                          
*              FORMAT B16                                          *                                          
*  1 PNHIT            I      Pointer to next hit on track          *                                          
*  2 DTFLAG           I      0=positive drift ;  1=negative drift  *                                          
*      FPUX    bank PARALLEL to FRPE bank. Lists of radial digis   *                                          
*      ====         on track using INTERNAL NEXT relation          *                                          
*              FORMAT B16                                          *                                          
*  1 PNHIT            I      Pointer to next hit on track          *                                          
*  2 DTFLAG           I      0=positive drift ;  1=negative drift  *                                          
*                                                                  *                                          
* INPUT is from two lists of tracks:-                              *                                          
*  a) Radial-based tracks:                                         *                                          
*  a                      IG tracks                                *                                          
*                         Hits:- IRN/SDN IRP/SDP                   *                                          
*                         Segments:- ISGG LNK3                     *                                          
*                         Parameters:- RPCOS, RPSIN etc.           *                                          
*  b) Planar-based and R-P link tracks:                            *                                          
*                         NPP tracks                               *                                          
*                         Hits:- IRR/SRR IPP/SPP                   *                                          
*                         Segments:- LRR LPP                       *                                          
*                         Parameters:- RSSS, PSSS, RISS, PISS      *                                          
* BOS Commons...                                                                                              
C     ------BOSMDL                                                                                            
C     ------                                                                                                  
*  IDATA  type of information (HEAD bank word 6) :                                                            
*                       0 - real data H1                                                                      
*                       1 - MC data H1SIM                                                                     
*                       2 - real data CERN tests                                                              
*                       3 - MC data ARCET                                                                     
*  MONTE = .TRUE.   if IDATA=1                                                                                
*  KEVENT = event processed counter for H1REC                                                                 
*    Planar geometry                                                                                          
*    Radial geometry                                                                                          
*    Radial data...                                                                                           
*    Planar Data                                                                                              
*    Pointers into DIGI bank for IOS labelled hits                                                            
*    Track segment data                                                                                       
*    Fit data                                                                                                 
*     Common for RETRAC results (SJM)                                                                         
C---  MAXSEG is maximum number of segments per supermodule                                                    
C---  MAXCON is maximum number of amibiguous segments associatable with                                       
C---         one segment                                                                                      
C---  LIMSTO is maximum number of 2 cluster planes intersections to be                                        
C---         stored per supermodule                                                                           
C---  MSEGLM is maximum number of clusters that can be found before                                           
C---         connectivity considered                                                                          
C---  MAXCLU is maximum number of clusters that can be found after                                            
C---         forming non-connected set    MUST BE 50 IF RUN WITH OLD RCW                                      
C---         (cluster = 3/4 digits found in a straight line in one                                            
C---          4-wire orientation)                                                                             
*     Common for work bank indices (just in case)                                                             
*     Commons for planar found tracks                                                                         
*     Common for radials associated with planar tracks                                                        
*     Common for segment numbers...                                                                           
*     Radial  reject , unused  , radial verified by planar                                                    
*  Bank formatting data...                                                                                    
*  Local arrays...                                                                                            
*--------statement functions for table access -------------*                                                  
*     index of element before row number IROW                                                                 
*     index of L'th element  of row number IROW                                                               
*     L'th integer element of the IROW'th row of bank with index IND                                          
*     L'th real element of the IROW'th row of bank with index IND                                             
*------------------------BEGIN ROUTINE-------------------------------                                         
*       Format output banks...                                                                                
        CALL BKFMT('FTUR','2I,(6F,I,9F,I,F,3I)')
        CALL BKFMT('FPUR','B16')
        CALL BKFMT('FRUX','B16')
        CALL BKFMT('FPUX','B16')
        CALL BKFMT('FPSX','2I,(I)')
        CALL BKFMT('FRSX','2I,(I)')
*     Open BANKS                                                                                              
*     Get access to segment banks...                                                                          
*     Work banks for pointer lists...                                                                         
      CALL WBANK(IW,IWFRUX,NWRD,*999)                                                                  
      CALL VZERO(IW(IWFRUX+1),NWRD)                                                                    
      CALL WBANK(IW,IWFPUX,NWRD,*999)                                                                  
      CALL VZERO(IW(IWFPUX+1),NWRD)                                                                    
*     Loop over patrec tracks.                                                                                
*     There are two lists of tracks to loop over containing                                                   
*     Radial-based and Planar-based tracks respectively.                                                      
*     Tracks in the radial-based list may have been rejected in                                               
*     Favour of planars or not verified by a planar segment or                                                
*     otherwise marked as bad (IGTTRK)                                                                        
*     precalculate number of good radial segments in each module                                              
*      ILIST 2 (planar-based tracks) are O.K. Otherwise track                                                 
*      may have been rejected:-                                                                               
        CALL SHS(711,0,7.01)                                                                           
*       Pointer lists for FRRE and FRPE banks. First points on track.                                         
*       Get HELIX parameters for this track...                                                                
*       Build Supermodule Mask                                                                                
*        Planar segments from Rad-based tracks...                                                             
*        Radial segments from Rad-based tracks...                                                             
*        Planar segments from Pla-based tracks...                                                             
*        Radial segments from Pla-based tracks...                                                             
*       Fill the FTUR and pointering bank, FPUR                                                               
*       Words 8 - 16 will contain packed covariance matrix...                                                 
*       Zero for now...                                                                                       
*       Pack number of planar and radial hits.                                                                
*  Fill pointering bank:                                                                                      
*  Now do the pointers to the segments. Where to look depends on                                              
*  the type of track.                                                                                         
*        Planar segments from Rad-based tracks...                                                             
*          Calculate row number in segment bank FPSG...                                                       
*        Radial segments from Rad-based tracks...                                                             
*        more complicated because IOS segment may have                                                        
*        failed Chisq test...                                                                                 
*          ...assumes that only good segments have been linked!                                               
*          Calculate row number in segment bank FRSG...                                                       
*          ...offset by number of good segments in prior modules...                                           
*          ...and increment offset ready for next module...                                                   
*          IOS segment number in this module...                                                               
*          add to ISGMOD passing over bad segments...                                                         
*        Planar segments from Pla-based tracks...                                                             
*          Calculate row number in segment bank FPSG...                                                       
*        Radial segments from Pla-based tracks...                                                             
*          ...assumes that only good segments have been linked!                                               
*          Calculate row number in segment bank FRSG...                                                       
*          ...offset by number of good segments in prior modules...                                           
*          ...and increment offset ready for next module...                                                   
*          IOS segment number in this module...                                                               
*          add to ISGMOD passing over bad segments...                                                         
*       Now fill the cross-reference FPSX FRSX and update the                                                 
*       the FRSG FPSG banks with pointers to next segments...                                                 
*        ...pointer to first segment on track...                                                              
*        ...and fill chain in FPSG bank...                                                                    
*        ...pointer to first segment on track... is zero                                                      
*        ...pointer to first segment on track...                                                              
*        ...and fill chain in FRSG bank...                                                                    
*        ...pointer to first segment on track... is zero                                                      
*  Now fill appropriate rows of FRUX and FPUX banks                                                           
*       Radial point list...                                                                                  
*       Planar point list...                                                                                  
*   End loop over tracks.                                                                                     
*   Close banks...                                                                                            
*        make empty banks                                                                                     
        IFTUR = NBANK('FTUR',NBNN,2)
        IFPSX = NBANK('FPSX',NBNN,2)
        IFRSX = NBANK('FRSX',NBNN,2)
        CALL WBANK(IW,IWFPUR,NWRD,*999)                                                                
        CALL WDROP(IW,IWFPUR)                                                                          
*   Pack work banks into named banks...                                                                       
*   Add Banks to list...                                                                                      
      CALL BLIST(IW,'R+','FTUR')                                                                       
      CALL BLIST(IW,'R+','FPUR')                                                                       
      CALL BLIST(IW,'R+','FRUX')                                                                       
      CALL BLIST(IW,'R+','FPUX')                                                                       
      CALL BLIST(IW,'R+','FRLC')                                                                       
      CALL BLIST(IW,'R+','FPLC')                                                                       
      CALL BLIST(IW,'R+','FRHC')                                                                       
      CALL BLIST(IW,'R+','FPHC')                                                                       
      CALL BLIST(IW,'R+','FAUX')                                                                       
      CALL BLIST(IW,'R+','FPSX')                                                                       
      CALL BLIST(IW,'R+','FRSX')                                                                       
*   ...and drop work banks...                                                                                 
      CALL WDROP(IW,IWFRUX)                                                                            
      CALL WDROP(IW,IWFPUX)                                                                            
*     Error ...                                                                                               
      CALL WDROP(IW,IWFRUX)                                                                            
      CALL WDROP(IW,IWFPUX)                                                                            