FUNCTION : FKHUNT(JPL,S,C,IERR) AUTHOR : Stephen Burke DATE : 26/07/93 LANGUAGE : FORTRAN SHORT SUMMARY of PURPOSE: Look for a new digitisation near a track. This is called by the Kalman filter code if point acquisition is enabled and no hit is already attached to the track at a given z plane. LIST and DESCRIPTION of INPUT VARIABLES/ARGUMENTS: JPL - the z plane (1 to 72) S - track parameters (REAL*8 5-vector) C - covariance matrix (REAL*8 5*5 matrix) LIST and DESCRIPTION of OUTPUT VARIABLES/ARGUMENTS: LMES(JPL) (in /FKFLAG/) is set .TRUE. if a measurement is found in the correct cell, within a cut X2CUTN (in /FKRJCT/) of S, and .TRUE. is returned as the function value. The measurement arrays (WMES, CMES and HMES in /FKMEAS/) are filled appropriately. IRJCT(JPL) (in /FKRJCT/) is set to zero. IDIGI(JPL) (in /FFGEO/) is set to the digi pointer, signed according to the drift sign. IERR - error flag: IERR = 0 ; normal termination -> IERR = 101 ; invalid probability cut -> IERR = 103 ; invalid value in MES array -> IERR = 104 ; invalid value in MES array, or internal error IERR = 12 ; covariance of residuals not positive definite -> Fatal errors Fatal errors all give a return value of .FALSE., and no changes are made; they are consequently recoverable. CALLING TREE from FKHUNT : CALL FFPCEL == tree ==> CALL FKERR == tree ==> CALL FFPHNT == tree ==> CALL FFRCEL == tree ==> CALL FFRHNT == tree ==> CALL FFPLAN == tree ==> CALL FFRAD == tree ==> CALL FFEVT0 == tree ==> CALL FFCORR == tree ==> CALL FKLRSD == tree ==> CALL FFCHTR == tree ==> CALL FKANAL == tree ==> FUNCTIONS USED : FKCHPR KEEP SEQUENCES USED : FKECODE FKNPL FFSTEE FFGEO FKFLAG FKMEAS FKCONS FKSMTH FKRJCT FKDBG FFWBI FRLORA BCS FTANG STFUNCT
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