SUBROUTINE : FFCHTR(JPL,JTYPE,JDIG) AUTHOR : Stephen Burke DATE : 02/06/92 LANGUAGE : FORTRAN SHORT SUMMARY of PURPOSE: Updates diagnostic arrays when a new hit has been found by FKHUNT LIST and DESCRIPTION of INPUT VARIABLES/ARGUMENTS: JPL - z plane number (1 to 72) JTYPE - 1 for planar, 2 for radial JDIG - hit index in FPLC/FRLC Information in various common blocks FRPX/FRRX banks (true hit information) LIST and DESCRIPTION of OUTPUT VARIABLES/ARGUMENTS: Sets LTRPL(JPL) (in /FKDBG/) to .TRUE. if the hit belongs to the track, and LTRPLD(JPL) to .TRUE. if it also has the correct drift sign. CALLING TREE from FFCHTR : None FUNCTIONS USED : None KEEP SEQUENCES USED : FKNPL FFWBI FFDBG FKDBG BCS STFUNCT
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