Drawbacks of an actual CETTO board based on the PIC16F74 chip: In general: bad layout of components on the board, usage of chip carriers with a high inductance. In details: 1. T(signal) << T(R11_C21) << T(C23_R20) - this mismatch leads to a signal distortion and amplitude degrading. The latter motivates a high gain and results in amplifying the noise (S/N worsening). 2. Maximum rating violation for the U10A.3: negative voltage @ OPAMP's input with respect to ground (Vss). 3. The Z-diode D2 doesn't protect input against overvoltage because it is connected to the OPAMP's virtual ground, where the AC and DC voltages are always zero ! Usage of Zener-diodes to shunt signals at the OPAMP outputs introduces a high integral non-linearity into amplification circuitry. 4. Another source of a high non-linearity is a wrong operating point of ALL (except for the 1st one) OPAMPs - their signals start from ground which is a negative power rail (VSS). I made the same mistake for the last amplifier on the MCA-1000 prototype board 5. 10x difference in resistor values at the OPAMP inputs enhances the signal bias due to input offset currents. Usage of FET-input OPAMPs minimizes this effect, but in general this is a design shortcoming. 6. The PMT charge integration takes place at the parasitic capacitance of an unbiased Z-diode D2 ! 7. Wrong concept of gain adjustment: amplifier has a high fixed gain and the saturated signals are being attenuated !!! It must be another way round: the input signal must be split and amplified. Adjustable feed- back circuitry would be even better: no signal and power losses @ all. 8. Resistor in series with a sample-and-hold switch results in a variable baseline depending on a signal rate. 9. The comparator based on the OPAMP U7B has no input-referred hysteresis while discriminating slowly rising signals - may lead to noisy switching. The width of the output pulses is not standardized. 10. Maximum rating violation: the peak detecting circuitry may drive +12V which are divided in proportion 3:4 = 9V and fed onto PIC16F74's pin AN1, whose input voltage should not exceed +5 Volts. 11. The common to all circuits 4x-potentiometer U6 makes routing of critical analog signals very long. The chip itself is unreliable (has a limited lifetime). 12. Maximum rating violation: the +5V linear voltage regulator U2 is too weak to supply the entire circuit. The dissipated power = (12 - 5) V x 60 mA is very close (may exceed) to the absolute limit of 500 mW. !!! Loosing of 500 mW just because !!! 13. the Z-diode D1 parallel to the input power rails has no current limiting, in case of breakdown it will shunt the circuit forever. 14. The HV voltage source has a L7_C12-filter whose resonance frequency is equal to the operating frequency of the DC-DC converter U8, it results in high oscillations on the PMT's output. !!! Any inductance needs a current through to work as a filter !!! 15. The ADC of the PIC16F74 microcontroller shows a very high (50% and above) differential non-linearity thus making this device unsuitable for spectroscopic measurements without special correction scheme. 16. The PMT baseboard supplies the anode with unfiltered HV. 17. Maximum rating violation: the 1kV decoupling capacitor between anode and load resistor on the baseboard does not comply with 1.5kV PMT supply voltage. 18. COMPLETELY wrong grounding scheme: tying to ground an input power rail which must stay floating (it carries in the pick-up noise), no ground connection to the main board (electrical potential mismatch), inappropriate usage of filtering chokes: the L2 enhances common mode noise, the L6 enhances power surges of the DC-DC converter that are immediately visible with LED calibration pulses. ... and if it wasn't bad enough: ------------- | | | (I/O)| -------100 uH choke (separate) | | | | MAX485 | 100 nF 2 x 2 = Yellow ?! | | | | (I/O)| -------100 uH choke (separate) |_____________| * * * !!! It is simply too much for the board consisting of 3 OPAMPs and 1 PIC device... How was it certified ?