PCPLOTS: Output Program version 8.7 PCPLOTS completed successfully PDIF-OUT: P-CAD Database Exporter version 8.7 Unable to get the aperture table filename. External component not found. Component Name = samz.prt. External component not found. Component Name = ftm32x.prt. External component not found. Component Name = spy10x.prt. External component not found. Component Name = samfts18.prt. External component not found. Component Name = spy8-6x.prt. External component not found. Component Name = spy8-6x.prt. Component pin position or number mismatch. Component Name = cap0603.prt. Component pin position or number mismatch. Component Name = cap0603.prt. See errors in log file. PDIF file saved as opkapk4.pdf. PDIF-OUT completed successfully PC-DRILL: PC-Board Drilling Program version 8.7 Generating PC-DRILL preliminary ASCII File... Sorting PC-DRILL ASCII File... PC-DRILL Output File saved as opkapk4.drl. No Tool Number found for pin type Pin Type = 1 No Tool Number found for pin type Pin Type = 25 PC-DRILL completed successfully PC-DRILL: PC-Board Drilling Program version 8.7 Generating PC-DRILL preliminary ASCII File... Sorting PC-DRILL ASCII File... PC-DRILL Output File saved as opkapk4.drl. No Tool Number found for pin type Pin Type = 1 No Tool Number found for pin type Pin Type = 25 PC-DRILL completed successfully PCPRINT: Output Program version 8.7 Warning: Plot Scale is larger than fit page scale 3.056 PCPRINT completed successfully PCPLOTS: Output Program version 8.7 PCPLOTS completed successfully PCPLOTS: Output Program version 8.7 Warning: Plot Scale is less than fit page scale 2.490 PCPLOTS completed successfully PC-DRILL: PC-Board Drilling Program version 8.7 Generating PC-DRILL preliminary ASCII File... Sorting PC-DRILL ASCII File... PC-DRILL Output File saved as opkapk4.drl. No Tool Number found for pin type Pin Type = 1 No Tool Number found for pin type Pin Type = 25 PC-DRILL completed successfully PC-DRILL: PC-Board Drilling Program version 8.7 Generating PC-DRILL preliminary ASCII File... Sorting PC-DRILL ASCII File... PC-DRILL Output File saved as opkapk4.drl. No Tool Number found for pin type Pin Type = 1 No Tool Number found for pin type Pin Type = 25 No Tool Number found for pin type Pin Type = 70 PC-DRILL completed successfully PC-DRILL: PC-Board Drilling Program version 8.7 Generating PC-DRILL preliminary ASCII File... Sorting PC-DRILL ASCII File... PC-DRILL Output File saved as opkapk4.drl. No Tool Number found for pin type Pin Type = 1 No Tool Number found for pin type Pin Type = 25 No Tool Number found for pin type Pin Type = 70 PC-DRILL completed successfully PC-DRILL: PC-Board Drilling Program version 8.7 Generating PC-DRILL preliminary ASCII File... Sorting PC-DRILL ASCII File... PC-DRILL Output File saved as opkapk4.drl. No Tool Number found for pin type Pin Type = 1 No Tool Number found for pin type Pin Type = 25 PC-DRILL completed successfully PCPLOTS: Output Program version 8.7 PCPLOTS completed successfully PCPLOTS: Output Program version 8.7 PCPLOTS completed successfully PCPLOTS: Output Program version 8.7 Warning: Plot Scale is larger than fit page scale 0.958 PCPLOTS completed successfully PCPLOTS: Output Program version 8.7 Warning: Plot Scale is less than fit page scale 1.997 PCPLOTS completed successfully PCPLOTS: Output Program version 8.7 PCPLOTS completed successfully PCPLOTS: Output Program version 8.7 PCPLOTS completed successfully PCPLOTS: Output Program version 8.7 PCPLOTS completed successfully PCPLOTS: Output Program version 8.7 PCPLOTS completed successfully PCPLOTS: Output Program version 8.7 Warning: Plot Scale is less than fit page scale 2.523 PCPLOTS completed successfully PCPLOTS: Output Program version 8.7 PCPLOTS completed successfully PCPLOTS: Output Program version 8.7 PCPLOTS completed successfully PCPLOTS: Output Program version 8.7 PCPLOTS completed successfully PDIF-OUT: P-CAD Database Exporter version 8.7 Unable to get the aperture table filename. External component not found. Component Name = spy8-6x.prt. External component not found. Component Name = spy8-6x.prt. Component pin position or number mismatch. Component Name = cap0603.prt. Component pin position or number mismatch. Component Name = cap0603.prt. External component not found. Component Name = spy10x.prt. See errors in log file. PDIF file saved as dl_opkap.pdf. PDIF-OUT completed successfully PC-DELLYR: PCAD Delete Layer Program version 8.7 ****************************************** The following layers have been deleted: "PASST" "REST" "M4T" "V34T" "FV34T" "I34T" "FI34T" "M3T" "V23T" "FV23T" "I23T" "FI23T" "M2T" "V12T" "FV12T" "I12T" "FI12T" "M1T" "M1B" "I12B" "FI12B" "V12B" "FV12B" "M2B" "I23B" "FI23B" "V23B" "FV23B" "M3B" "I34B" "FI34B" "V34B" "NEWFAN" "M4B" "BOND1" "COOL" "SUBOUT" "SUBDET" "SUBDRL" "BONDST" "BONDSB" "GBONDT" "GBONDB" "PBORDR" "NBORDR" "HOLCLR" "$CONT" "$DRC" "MECFWD" "KAPTON" The following layers have been specified but not deleted: "DIDETT" "DIETOP" "DIEBOT" "DIDETB" ****************************************** Preserving DISPLAY section. Preserving APERTURE_TABLE section. Preserving SYMBOL section. Preserving DETAIL section. PC-DELLYR completed successfully PDIF-IN: PCAD Database Interchange Format version 8.7 Line 0: Existing dl_opkap.pcb is renamed dl_opkap.old Line 0: Building components from COMP_DEF section ... Line 3397: Created pad stack k0.ps Line 3447: Created pad stack screw110.ps Line 3468: Created pad stack specl70.ps Line 3470: Component directory INTCMPDR exists; files may be destroyed Line 0: Processing database ... Line 4084: Clearing work space ... Line 4084: Aperture #15 existed and used but not defined Line 4084: Aperture #22 existed and used but not defined Line 4084: Aperture #23 existed and used but not defined Database file saved as dl_opkap.pcb PDIF-IN completed successfully PC-DRILL: PC-Board Drilling Program version 8.7 Generating PC-DRILL preliminary ASCII File... No Pins were Found for the given Tool with the given Pin Type Pin Type = 10. Tool = 3. No Pins were Found for the given Tool with the given Pin Type Pin Type = 148. Tool = 4. No Pins were Found for the given Tool with the given Pin Type Pin Type = 163. Tool = 5. No Pins were Found for the given Tool with the given Pin Type Pin Type = 230. Tool = 6. No Pins were Found for the given Tool with the given Pin Type Pin Type = 260. Tool = 7. Sorting PC-DRILL ASCII File... PC-DRILL Output File saved as testk4.drl. No Tool Number found for pin type Pin Type = 25 PC-DRILL completed successfully PC-DRILL: PC-Board Drilling Program version 8.7 Generating PC-DRILL preliminary ASCII File... No Pins were Found for the given Tool with the given Pin Type Pin Type = 10. Tool = 3. No Pins were Found for the given Tool with the given Pin Type Pin Type = 148. Tool = 4. No Pins were Found for the given Tool with the given Pin Type Pin Type = 163. Tool = 5. No Pins were Found for the given Tool with the given Pin Type Pin Type = 230. Tool = 6. No Pins were Found for the given Tool with the given Pin Type Pin Type = 260. Tool = 7. Sorting PC-DRILL ASCII File... PC-DRILL Output File saved as testk4.drl. No Tool Number found for pin type Pin Type = 25 PC-DRILL completed successfully PC-DRILL: PC-Board Drilling Program version 8.7 Generating PC-DRILL preliminary ASCII File... No Pins were Found for the given Tool with the given Pin Type Pin Type = 1. Tool = 2. No Pins were Found for the given Tool with the given Pin Type Pin Type = 10. Tool = 3. No Pins were Found for the given Tool with the given Pin Type Pin Type = 148. Tool = 4. No Pins were Found for the given Tool with the given Pin Type Pin Type = 163. Tool = 5. No Pins were Found for the given Tool with the given Pin Type Pin Type = 230. Tool = 6. No Pins were Found for the given Tool with the given Pin Type Pin Type = 260. Tool = 7. Sorting PC-DRILL ASCII File... PC-DRILL Output File saved as kapk4.drl. No Tool Number found for pin type Pin Type = 25 PC-DRILL completed successfully PCPHOTO: Output Program version 8.7 Error opening file "metcern.apr". PCPHOTO FAILED PC-DRILL: PC-Board Drilling Program version 8.7 Generating PC-DRILL preliminary ASCII File... No Pins were Found for the given Tool with the given Pin Type Pin Type = 10. Tool = 3. No Pins were Found for the given Tool with the given Pin Type Pin Type = 148. Tool = 4. No Pins were Found for the given Tool with the given Pin Type Pin Type = 163. Tool = 5. No Pins were Found for the given Tool with the given Pin Type Pin Type = 230. Tool = 6. No Pins were Found for the given Tool with the given Pin Type Pin Type = 260. Tool = 7. Sorting PC-DRILL ASCII File... PC-DRILL Output File saved as testk41.drl. No Tool Number found for pin type Pin Type = 25 PC-DRILL completed successfully PC-INSERT: Auto Insertion Program version 8.7 Accessing PCB database (opkapk4.pcb) ... ** Pin mismatch loading part cap0603.prt ** Part cap0603.prt at (-280.00,-73.00) has no reference designator ** Pin mismatch loading part cap0603.prt ** Part cap0603.prt at (-366.00,-80.00) has no reference designator ** Pin mismatch loading part cap0603.prt ** Part cap0603.prt at (-185.00,-45.00) has no reference designator ** Pin mismatch loading part cap0603.prt ** Part cap0603.prt at (-2503.00,-6.00) has no reference designator ** Failed to generate ASCII listing PC-INSERT completed successfully PC-INSERT: Auto Insertion Program version 8.7 Accessing PCB database (opkapk4.pcb) ... ** Pin mismatch loading part cap0603.prt ** Pin mismatch loading part cap0603.prt ** Pin mismatch loading part cap0603.prt ** Pin mismatch loading part cap0603.prt ** Part cap0603.prt at (-2503.00,-6.00) has no reference designator ** Failed to generate ASCII listing PC-INSERT completed successfully PC-INSERT: Auto Insertion Program version 8.7 Accessing PCB database (opkapk4.pcb) ... ** Pin mismatch loading part cap0603.prt ** Pin mismatch loading part cap0603.prt ** Pin mismatch loading part cap0603.prt ** Pin mismatch loading part cap0603.prt ** Failed to generate ASCII listing PC-INSERT completed successfully PC-INSERT: Auto Insertion Program version 8.7 Accessing PCB database (opkapk4.pcb) ... Generating ASCII output file (opkapk4.ins) ... PC-INSERT completed successfully PC-NODES: Netlist Extraction Program version 8.7 Loading opkapk4.pcb... Extracting... ...completed & saved as opkapk4.pnl PC-NODES completed successfully PC-FORM: Generate Reports from Binary Netlist version 8.7 Setting Up Netlist Database Environment... Generating Wire List... ...Wire List Saved as opkapk4.wrl PC-FORM completed successfully PC-FORM: Generate Reports from Binary Netlist version 8.7 Setting Up Netlist Database Environment... Generating Component List... ...Component List Saved as opkapk4.cmp Generating Node List... ...Node List Saved as opkapk4.nde Generating Packaging List... ...Packaging List Saved as opkapk4.pkl Generating Wire List... ...Wire List Saved as opkapk4.wrl Generating Material List... ...Material List Saved as opkapk4.mat PC-FORM completed successfully Pin Information Listing Program version 8.7 Loading opkapk4.pcb... Saving opkapk4.pin... PC-PIN completed successfully PC-NODES: Netlist Extraction Program version 8.7 Loading opkapk4.pcb... Extracting... ...completed & saved as opkapk4.pnl PC-NODES completed successfully PC-FORM: Generate Reports from Binary Netlist version 8.7 Setting Up Netlist Database Environment... Generating Component List... ...Component List Saved as opkapk4.cmp Generating Node List... ...Node List Saved as opkapk4.nde Generating Packaging List... ...Packaging List Saved as opkapk4.pkl Generating Wire List... ...Wire List Saved as opkapk4.wrl Generating Material List... ...Material List Saved as opkapk4.mat PC-FORM completed successfully Pin Information Listing Program version 8.7 Loading opkapk4.pcb... Saving opkapk4.pin... PC-PIN completed successfully PC-INSERT: Auto Insertion Program version 8.7 Accessing PCB database (opkapk4x.pcb) ... Generating ASCII output file (opkapk4x.ins) ... PC-INSERT completed successfully PC-INSERT: Auto Insertion Program version 8.7 Accessing PCB database (opkapk4x.pcb) ... Generating ASCII output file (opkapk4x.ins) ... PC-INSERT completed successfully PC-INSERT: Auto Insertion Program version 8.7 Accessing PCB database (testk41.pcb) ... Generating ASCII output file (testk41.ins) ... PC-INSERT completed successfully