Opto plugin

This section last updated     July 00
Production files for opto pcb version 3

Files for one PCB
 rest4.lgx               top side solder resist
 topmet4.lgx          top side metal
 botmet4.lgx          bottom side metal
 resb4.lgx              bottom side solder resist
 outline4.lgx           outline of finished PCB
 cutout4.lgx         outline of panel containing 60 breakout PCBs
opto4.drl     drill file      optopcb5.tbl drill size table


Files for 60 PCBs on a breakout panel
 rest.lgx               top side solder resist
 topmet.lgx          top side metal
 botmet.lgx          bottom side metal
 resb.lgx              bottom side solder resist
 outline.lgx           outline of finished PCB
 cutout.lgx         outline of panel containing 60 breakout PCBs
optopcb5.drl     drill file      optopcb5.tbl drill size table