From Mon Oct 12 14:10:05 2009 Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 14:10:22 +0200 From: Emmanuelle Perez To: Max Klein , Azuelos Georges , Georg Weiglein , Emmanuelle Perez Subject: LHeC CDR : New Physics t.o.c. [ The following text is in the "ISO-8859-1" character set. ] [ Your display is set for the "ISO-8859-15" character set. ] [ Some special characters may be displayed incorrectly. ] Dear Max, I attach the table of contents that we think of, for the New Physics section of the CDR. The names indicate from who we have / we expect some material. Cheers ! Emmanuelle, Georges & Georg. [ Part 2: "Attached Text" ] 1. Measurement of properties of new particles or interactions ------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Electron-quark resonances (G.A., A. Belyaev, E.P.) 1.2 New leptons - excited leptons (E. Sauvan & N. Trinh) - 4th generation leptons (A. Ciftci) 1.3 New particles or interactions in gamma-p collisions - anomalous couplings of the top quark - 4th generation quarks / excited quarks - diquarks (Ankara group + G. Brandt for the top) (NB: in ep, the cross-section for those is too low...) and, in case we get something done : 1.4 Mass measurements in R-parity conserving SUSY 2. Measurement of the Hbb coupling ----------------------------------- (Uta + Tokyo group + (?) Wisconsin ) 3. Resolving ambiguities ------------------------ 3.1 Distinction between various Z' models -> Z' study from T. Rizzo 3.2 Ambiguities between eeqq contact interactions ... if we find someone to work on this ... ... so far we have no material here ... 3.3 New physics at LHC and pdf effects 3.3.1 Drell-Yan and antiquark pdfs at high-x (E.P.) 3.3.2 Dijets and gluon pdf at high-x (cf existing study from S Ferrag - try to have it revisited, including exp. errors)