Agenda of LCFI group meeting to be held on Thursday 19th August, starting at 4 pm sharp, UK time. Meeting Agenda 1) Action items from last meeting will all be best covered in the progress reports (Item 3). But would everyone concerned please check the notes of the July 22nd meeting and review the status of your action items. 2) Short reports on points relevant to our project from recent workshops, notably Vertex 99 (Netherlands) (20-24 June) Phil B LCD simulations meeting (SLAC) (4-5 August) Chris D 3) Detector R&D status reports RAL Lab 9 prep, and RAL/Oxford portable cryo system Bob E Cryostats, test boxes and heaters Andy N Detector mechanical design (material budget) Chris D Lab 6 cleanroom and thin ladder assembly/test programme Laurie L Liaison with and hardware from EEV Chris D CCD mbds, flex-lines, drive modules Steve Bu Analogue modules Roger B ADC and digital modules Tony G VME crates, computers and software David S L'pool Cryo system and cryostat Tim G ISE simulation facilities (CCD and ladder design) Steve Bi (For this meeting, we will not have representatives from Liverpool. Chris D will report on these items) Oxford WIPM system developments Phil B 4) LCFI organisation/budget/manpower Chris D 5) Detector simulations and physics Phil B et al 6) Written report on progress with the CCD-based vertex detector design for TESLA, made during the 98/99 workshop series (Orsay, Frascati, Oxford, [CERN], Obernai). Deadline 14th November. 7) Possible note to PPESP in the 'Statements of Interest' category, referring to future development of the column-parallel CCD (an idea which evolved after the proposal of November 1998, for which we are currently supported). 8) North American funding situation and moves towards internationalisation 9) Future meetings (updated) European ECFA/DESY Workshop 16-19 October 1999 (Obernai, nr Strasbourg) Physics and detector developments Registration: ECFA/DESY Workshop March/April 2000 (Naples/Milan/...???) Responsibilities for writing TDR. ECFA/DESY Workshop October 2000 (DESY) Discussion of first draft of TDR. North American Next regional workshop Feb/March 2000 (LBNL) Asian ACFA workshop 4-6 Nov 1999 (Seoul, Korea) International LCWS 2000 Week of Oct 16 or 23rd (Fermilab) 10) AOB