LCFI Group Meeting on 25th April 2002 ===================================== The next LCFI group meeting will be held on Thursday 25th April, starting at 16:00 UK time. You can participate in this meeting in one of three ways. You may come to RAL (Conf Room 1, Building R1), to Liverpool U Physics Dept, Oliver Lodge Laboratory, Room 306, or you may phone in from wherever you are. Phone-in participants should ring the BT conference centre at +44 1296 317900 (or 01296 317900 from the UK). This will connect you to an operator. Ask for the RUTHERFORD CONFERENCE CHAIRED BY MR DAMERELL, ACCESS CODE C035413. Meeting Agenda 1) Extended proposal to PPRP. Please let me have your suggestions and corrections by the time of this meeting. Our full proposal will be considered at the 13 May meeting of the PPRP. If we are successful with them, it will go to the Science Committee, and may eventually be considered by the PPARC Council. Please read the appendices C to I carefully, and in particular ensure that all the information given for yourself and your institution is accurate. [I have already received corrections from a few of you, which will be in the final document.] Related to this proposal, we need also to discuss our strategy wrt the Technology Fund second round; questions raised by some on the PPRP. 2) Detector R&D status and plans 2.1 Thin ladder development 2.2 CCD58 testing 2.3 CPCCD (work with MTech) 2.4 CPCCD (simulation) 2.5 CPCCD readout chip 2.6 CPCCD MCM (multi-chip module, incl bump bonding) 2.7 CPCCD electronics (motherboard and beyond) 2.8 Detector test system - Liverpool 3) Physics studies 4) LCFI organisation/manpower 5) Finances 6) Reports from recent LC-related meetings 7) Future LC-related meetings 8) AOB If you have transparencies or drawings to show, please send them electronically to Tim Greenshaw,, so he can make them accessible from the LCFI home page.