Minutes of the meeting on the H1 silicon tracker upgrade Zeuthen, 26/27. June 1997 agenda ------ Wednesday 26.6.97 -discussion of simulation results S.Burke, K. Daum, D. Pitzl, H.Kaufmann, T.Naumann, M.Klein -discussion of FST installation and cabling P. Biddulph, H. Lippold, J.Meissner, D.Pitzl, M.Klein Thursday 27.6.97 11-17oclock present: P.Biddulph, F.Moreau, C.Niebuhr, M.Kuhlen, C.Kiessling, M.Klein, T.Naumann, P.Kostka, D.Pitzl, H.Kaufmann, K.Daum, S.Burke Agreement was reached that the study group proposes to upgrade the BST with phi detectors and to build a new FST with 10 planes. A first draft of the proposal will be available to the study group until its next meeting, DESY, 7.7.97, 2pm, room to be announced. This is thus only a short summary for general information about what we discussed sicne a longer version with figures will hopefully be available soon. -D.Pitzl layout of i.a. region Daniel made a new calculation of the synchrotron radiation background for the new superconducting magnet solution of the interaction region upgrade. It looks possible to have a long beam pipe with 45mm radius below BST, CST and FST. -P.Biddulph installation of Silicon detectors after 2000 Phill summarized the thoughts on the FST cabling and installation. Since the sc magnet closes the +z direction for cabling and since the CIP and BST are supposed to stay after 2000, the only way for routing the cables of the FST (32 cables with 50 lines, almost all for power) is between the CJC and the FT. This then means either to install the FST when CJC and FT are apart or to remotely connect the FST to plug-in-modules which are installed once and then stay. The advantages of these 2 solutions are obvious (a) need to take CJC out for FST access but have much better control of installation, b) leave CJC in place but have currently no idea about how such a plug-in-module could function safely for 1500 connectors). This needs further interaction with engineers. -S.Burke:- report from Liverpool meeting of FT group see the summary of the meeting written by Tim Greenshaw :- results on FT+FST high Q2 file analysis due to showering the determination of the charge of high energy scattered electrons looks impossible. steve will check what the charge resolution is for those (so far few) electrons, with FT and FST, which do not shower. momentum resolutions: FT+vtx 3% FT+FST 2% (no vtx) FT+FST+vtx 1% about 2% corresponds to 80mum impact parameter resolution. These resolutions will be used for a study on mass reconstruction for charm and beauty physics. since the efficiencies for charm get squared and cubed, the FT efficiency is again requested to improve. the mean track multiplicity in the FST for the high Q2 file (theta_e < 20^o) is 6 extending to 12. thus the track density is no problem for an FST with many planes. The backward pointing resolution from the FT to the FST is about 2mm, thus linking FST with FT tracks should be possible. -K.Daum simulation of charm physics with BST (low x) momentum resolutions: BST with vertex 4% BST with CJC no vertex 4% BST+CJC+vtx 3% This leads to improved efficiencies at low x by a factor of 4-6. The slow pion in the D* to D0 decay can be reconstructed with 10-15% momentum resolution, well enough for the mass method to be applied. The BST+CJC impact parameter resolution is 140 mum which will enable vertex tagging though with only half the precision as expected from the fst/ft. -M.Klein summary of silicon upgrade discussion (physics, detectors, manpower, cost, options) and general -discussion about what to propose - things to be done within next weeks time -draft proposal: Max (with nice figures from Karin, Steve, Daniel, Michael, Max) -Christian talks to Ueli on trigger and rate aspects (fwd and bwd) and Ueli is asked to come to the meeting on the 7th in order to have this discussed. -Karin will provide figures for fwd heavy flavours as she did for backward -Phill will talk to Karsten Gadow on the FST installation -decision about what to propose The BST with phi detectors and FST will greatly improve the tracking capabilities of the H1 detector in the backward and forward hemispheres. The main physics goals emphasized are: forward: high Q2 events and jet studies searches for BFKL dynamics charm+beauty at intermediate x backward: FL vector meson+JPsi at high W charm+beauty at low x The group, after a long discussion on all aspects, regarded these physics issues to be of such importance that the upgrade of the BST with phi detectors and a new FST with 10 planes will be proposed. Since there is no time for R+D and money will be short it is considered as the FST design rule to copy the BST whereever possible. The proposal draft should be signed by all physicists and engineers who contributed to the discussion in order to allow H1 to see who has worked it out, whatever the final proposal rules are. - manpower (all committments are subject to interanl and external approval and listed here for information, not for committing!) on the basis of statements made during the meeting: - the MPI group intends to participate with a major contribution provided the upgraded BST stays backwards and a new FST will be built - the Zeuthen group, after mid 98, intends to upgrade the BST with phi detectors and to make a major contribution to the FST - the Prague Academy group will participate and possibly takes over the repeater redesign and the HT+converter boxes. - a discussion took place with Birmingham about a possible production of the phi-detector hybrids. A final decision of the B'ham group has not been taken yet. - Zuerich could deliver the APCs and Kosice is still open for discussions on a participation in the upgrade. - this project is open for further groups which want to contribute hard or software to the silicon upgrade. the discussion of responsabilities has to continue. this has to focus also on the operation of the FST, not only on its fabrication and assembly, since for the operation no clear solution has been found yet irrespective of many good will declarations. - time it was stressed that a somehow realistic time schedule implies installation in 2000/2001. the fst will not be accessible easily whatever solution will be chosen. it is thus necessary to have it ready and tested well in advance to installation. the next steps, in the most optimistic case, imply that wafer ordering via DESY cannot be done before spring 98 (this is after proposal submission, PRC recommendation, directorates decision, based on internal Vorhaben, and wafer tender!). Installation of 300k new channels 1.5 years after the wafer order (!) cannot be expected, whatever we may wish to achieve. This so called realistic plan does not foresee delays in the wafer delivery which happended both to CST and BST before. - next steps: -phi prototype: the detector layout is currently being done in the lab of G.Lutz associated to MPI according to drawings provided by Zeuthen. The layout is payed by MPI. The detector is foreseen to be produced by ZIS Erfurt and a sector is foreseen to be installed together with BST2, in spring 98. -draft proposal: discussion on July 7 at DESY, see above. -proposal to be ready for submission in August/September.