CTA-UK Meeting, Liverpool, 29th January 2010


Room 337, Oliver Lodge Laboratory, Liverpool University

Preliminary Agenda

09:30    Status of CTA project in Europe and the UK (Jim Hinton)

10:00    Photosensors for CTA (Richard White)

10:20    Electronics and triggering (Richard White)

10:40    Coffee

11:00    Mirror construction (Paula Chadwick)

11:30    Two-mirror optics for CTA’s small telescopes (Jürgen Schmoll)

12:00    “Exact Optics” for small telescopes (Tim Greenshaw)

12:30    Lunch

13:15    The MC, PHYS and LINK work packages (Jim Hinton)

13:40    Monte Carlo I (Dan Parsons)

14:00    Monte Carlo II (Sam Nolan)

14:20    Calibration (Sam Nolan)

14:40    Data analysis (Julian Osborne)

15:00    Outreach (Paula Chadwick)

15:20    Tasks and responsibilities (discussion)

16:00    Close