25th October 2000: John Fry (Liverpool).
``Time Reversal in the Real World''
Poster (Contact, Tim Greenshaw, green@hep.liv.ac.uk)
Five colloquia on research relevant to the proposed Centre for Accelerator Science, Imaging and Medicine.
See the CASIM proposal for more information.
29th November 2000: Rob Lewis (Daresbury).
``Advanced Medical Imaging Techniques''
Poster (Contact, Tim Greenshaw, green@hep.liv.ac.uk)
6th December 2000: John Durell (Manchester).
``Physics with High Intensity Radioactive Beams''
Poster (Contact, Tim Greenshaw, green@hep.ph.liv.ac.uk)
10th January 2001: Cancelled
Andrea Russell (Southampton).
``Research with IR Free Electron Lasers'' (title to be confirmed).
Poster (Contact, Tim Greenshaw, green@hep.liv.ac.uk)
17th January 2001: Peter Williams
(Christie Hospital, Manchester).
``Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy''
Poster (Contact, Tim Greenshaw, green@hep.ph.liv.ac.uk)
31st January 2001: Wendy Flavell
``VUV radiation as a probe of clusters and nanostructured materials''
Poster (Contact, Tim Greenshaw, green@hep.ph.liv.ac.uk)
7th February 2001.
``Work of the LTSN Physical Sciences Centre'' (title to be confirmed).
(Contact, Dominic Dickson, dominic.dickson@liv.ac.uk)
First make your way to
and then find the
The Colloquia take place in the Chadwick Laboratory,
which is building 42 on the
Campus Map.
The offices of the organisers are in the Oliver
Lodge Laboratory, building 48 on the
Campus Map.
The postal address is:
E-mail addresses and telephone numbers are as below (Tel: 0044 (0)151 794 + ext):
Tim Greenshaw | green@hep.ph.liv.ac.uk | 3383 | |
Chris Lucas | clucas@liv.ac.uk | 3361 | |
Robert Page | rdp@ns.ph.liv.ac.uk | 3714 |