import*; import java.util.Random; class TrackMuon /** an accurate 2D tracking of a high energy muon through iron with no magnetic field.*/ { // define the identifiers with class scope. static BufferedReader keyboard = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader( ; static PrintWriter screen = new PrintWriter( System.out, true); static double inputEnergy, stepSize, ironThickness; static int numberOfMuons; // Instantiate the class Random, give 'value' class scope static Random value = new Random(); static Histogram exitE = new Histogram("Muon exit from iron energy", 50,0,1000); //notice defining Histograms here gives the reference pointer (exitE) class scope. //--------Class methods start here------------------------------- /** Set the seed and get data from the keyboard */ private static void getStartingConditions() throws IOException { // first set the seed for the random number generator so it always // produces the same sequence of random numbers long seed = 7894694; value.setSeed(seed); screen.println(" Type in starting energy in MeV "); inputEnergy = new Double(keyboard.readLine() ).doubleValue(); screen.println(" Type in a step size in cm "); stepSize = new Double(keyboard.readLine() ).doubleValue(); screen.println(" Type in the thickness of iron, cm "); ironThickness = new Double(keyboard.readLine() ).doubleValue(); screen.println(" Type in the number of muons to track "); numberOfMuons = new Integer(keyboard.readLine() ).intValue(); return; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Throw a gaussian distribution given the mean and sigma*/ private static double gauss( double xmean, double sigma ) { // Return a random number with a gaussian distribution double newGauss, sum; sum=0; for (int n=0 ; n<=11; n++) { sum=sum + value.nextDouble();// use the class Random to make a number } newGauss = xmean + sigma*(sum -6); return newGauss; } //------------------------------------------------------------ /** Allows output for each muon after the tracking has finished.*/ private static void lookAtThisMuon(int nsteps, double [][] track, double finalE) { // Method to output some information about each muon double xlast,ylast; xlast = track [nsteps-1][0]; ylast = track [nsteps-1][1]; screen.println(" last (x,y) of track = ( " + xlast + " , " + ylast + ")" ); screen.println(" energy of muon as it leaves the material = " + finalE +" MeV"); // make histograms only if the muon left the material if (xlast >= ironThickness ) { exitE.fillh(finalE); // histogram the exit energy } return; } //------------ End of class methods -------------------------- public static void main (String [] args ) throws IOException { EnergyLoss iron = new EnergyLoss("iron", 26,55.85,7.87); MCS ironMS = new MCS("iron",26,55.85,7.87); int nsteps; // count number of steps int nmax =200; // maximum allowed number of steps before we stop following a muon. // Define a 2D array to store the (x,y) pairs generated as track is followed. // allow enough space to store the hit positions on the counters. double [] [] trackOfMuon = new double[nmax +2 ] [2];// see page 169 double actualMuonEnergy; double x; // x coordinate of muon , starts at x=0 just inside iron double y; // y coordinate of muon, introduced by multiple scattering double xnew,ynew; double theta; // current angular direction (radians) of muon double thetaT;// width of MCS distribution for a muon. // Define position and resolution of counters that detect the muon as it // exits the iron. double xc1= ironThickness + 10; // x - coord of first counter after the iron double xc2 =ironThickness + 20; double counterYcoordResolution = 0.1; // sigma of y coord resolution in cms. // Ask user for input data. getStartingConditions(); // Put all input requests in one method. // Start tracking each muon for (int n =1; n <= numberOfMuons; n++) { actualMuonEnergy =inputEnergy; x=0; //Set the initial starting position. y=0; nsteps=0; theta =0; // muon starts out parallel to x-axis screen.println("\n\n Start tracking muon " + n + " ,energy = " + actualMuonEnergy ); // In this program we are working in units of cms. while ( x < ironThickness && nsteps < nmax ) // Note the 2 conditions here { // Step is the direction in the x-direction. If the muon is scattered by and angle // theta then the amount of material the muon travels through is d = step/cos(theta) double step = Math.min( stepSize, ironThickness-x); // Ensure the final step just reaches the end of the iron. // Find width of MCS distribution for this muon travelling a distance stepSize // through material. thetaT= ironMS.mcsTheta0(actualMuonEnergy, step); // Generate a random angle with mean 0 with gaussian spread to add to current // direction. theta= theta + gauss (0,thetaT); double d = step/Math.cos(theta); // Find energy loss going through d cm of material. actualMuonEnergy = actualMuonEnergy - iron.getEloss(actualMuonEnergy) * d ; // Warning: the above line assumes that the energy loss can be regarded as being // essentially constant for the muon travelling a distance 'step'. // If this is not true then it is necessary to change step. if(actualMuonEnergy < 0) { screen.print(" Energy of muon goes negative.. abandon it"); break; // This causes the 'for' loop to terminate. } xnew = x + step ; // calculate next (x,y) position. ynew = y + d*Math.sin(theta); screen.println(" tracking.. nsteps , xnew,ynew = " + nsteps + " " + xnew + " " + ynew); screen.flush(); String anykey; anykey = keyboard.readLine();// pause until any key is pressed. // Store these co-ordinates trackOfMuon [nsteps] [0] = xnew; trackOfMuon [nsteps] [1] = ynew; // Update coordinates in order to take the next step. x = xnew; y = ynew; nsteps++; // At this point will return to the start of the 'while' loop and take another step. if(nsteps == nmax) screen.println(" Too many steps for muon " + n + ", abandon it"); } // Finished tracking this muon, do some analysis on the results, and calculate hit // coordinates on the counters double thetaFinal=theta; double xFinal = x; // final coords on track double yFinal = y; // Work out y-hit position on each counter and SMEAR it by the resolution. double yhitOnC1 = (xc1 - xFinal)*Math.tan(thetaFinal) + yFinal; yhitOnC1=gauss(yhitOnC1,counterYcoordResolution); double yhitOnC2= (xc2 - xFinal)*Math.tan(thetaFinal) +yFinal; yhitOnC2 = gauss( yhitOnC2,counterYcoordResolution); // Add these coords into the array trackOfMuon [nsteps +1] [0] = xc1; trackOfMuon [nsteps +1] [1] = yhitOnC1; trackOfMuon [nsteps +2] [0] = xc2; trackOfMuon [nsteps +2] [1] = yhitOnC2; // pass the data to this method for any further processing lookAtThisMuon(nsteps,trackOfMuon,actualMuonEnergy); // // Now generate the next muon } exitE.writeToDisk("C:/muon.csv"); // All muons done, finish program. If necessary, write histograms to disk at this point } }