The LC-UK group coordinates UK studies of physics and detectors for the International Linear Collider as well as UK-based R&D on the ILC machine, which is run by the LC-ABD collaboration.
The next meetings of the LC-ABD and LC-UK groups will take place in Liverpool, starting at 10:30 on Monday 24th September and finishing at 16:30 on Tuesday 25th September.
These links are to the agendas of the LC-ABD (24/09/07) and the LC-UK (25/09/07) sections of the meeting.
If you would like to attend, please mail Tim Greenshaw including your first and last name and your email address, and stating whether you would like to come to the LC-UK Dinner on the Monday evening.
List of people who have already registered.
For those who want to stay the night in Liverpool, hotels within easy walking distance of the meetings are:
The Adelphi Hotel.
The Hope Street Hotel.
The Feathers Hotel.
There are many other hotels in Liverpool.
Information on how to get to Liverpool University is available here.
Maps of Liverpool and the surrounding area can be found here.
The meetings will be held in the lecture theatre (room 113) on the first floor of the Continuing Education Centre,126 Mount Pleasant: building 79 on the Campus Map.
On Monday evening at 19:00 we have tables booked at Bistro Pierre in Button Street.