More details on my current and past research activities
can be found
Currently, I am mainly active on the following projects:

Recently, I joined
Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO).
This is a
state-of-the-art multi-purpose neutrino experiment
with a 20-kiloton liquid scintillator (LS) detector, the largest ever built,
located 700 m underground 53 km away from the Taishan and Yangjiang
nuclear power plants in south China, near Hong Kong.
I am excited by the prospect of using atmospheric neutrinos
to enhance the overall JUNO sensitivity (in combination with reactor neutrinos),
and help JUNO achieve the
first definitive neutrino mass-ordering determination.
I work in the modelling of atmospheric neutrino interactions using
as well as in ML-based atmospheric neutrino event reconstruction
and the incorporation of atmospheric event samples in a
3-flavour oscillation analysis.
The Liverpool group is also particularly interested in dark sector searches using JUNO.

I am centrally involved in preparations for the physics exploitation of the
Fermilab Short-Baseline Neutrino (SBN) Programme,
in particular in the
SBN Near Detector (SBND).
I am the Liverpool PI for SBN and SBND,
and I served as
a member of the SBND Executive Committee (2020-23),
SBND Physics co-Coordinator (2017-23), and
co-Coordinator of the SBN Systematics & Oscillation Sensitivity WG (2018-22)
My research is focussing on
exploiting SBND data to characterize
neutrino-Argon cross sections and on
new physics searches.

I am co-spokesperson of the international GENIE collaboration,
and one of the main authors of the well-known
neutrino event generator, as well as of the corresponding
global analysis of neutrino scattering data informing GENIE tunes.
GENIE performs
influential phemomenology research in the boundary between nuclear
and particle physics, provides a
bridge between theory and measurement,
and it is a key ingredient in the exploitation effort of many experiments.

I am one of the main authors and coordinator of the
VALOR fitting group,
that develops the VALOR Software Development Kit (SDK) and
takes a lead role in the analysis of data from several neutrino experiments.
VALOR sprung from T2K where
the VALOR group produced over 20 reviewed oscillation physics analyses
and it has contributed to 12 published T2K papers, culminating in the
2020 Nature paper
on T2K
neutrino CP violation constraints.
(Details on the prolific research output of the group can be found in the VALOR web page.)
Currently, the group is mostly active on SBN/SBND and JUNO.