GENIE is an
international collaboration of scientists that
plays the leading role in
a) the development of a modern and universal event generator framework and tools in support of neutrino experiments,
b) the consistent, validated and efficient implementation of a constellation of alternative
physics models within a common platform,
c) the development and characterisation of novel
comprehensive physics models for the
of neutrino interactions, and
d) the development of an advanced
global analysis of neutrino scattering data.
The GENIE collaboration
maintains a
suite of software products
for the experimental neutrino community,
including the popular
Generator and
Reweight products,
as well as the
that underlie the GENIE global analysis.
We are pleased to announce that version 3.04.02 of the GENIE event generator has been tagged.
This release introduces some optimisation when using external FSI and allows the correct time setting when shifting the z coordinate in GSimpleNtpFlux.
The details of the improvements is available
The new code, as always, is available from
GitHub repositories
In case of problems, feel free to open GitHub issues and submit pull requests!
The User and Physics manual has been updated with some of the new developments.
We look forward to your feedback.