'K5-300 Forward Middle Module'
12 x ABCD3TA (VDC and DORIC4A onboard BUT not yet bonded).
Readout chips are bonded to 2 x Wedge detectors (12cm strip length).
Module has only been tested using the Redundant Clock/Command inputs with
Spydata outputs.
Module is on a vertically mounted cooling frame within a Faraday cage.
Module cooling frame.
Module mounted on cooling
Module Configuration
All data taken with Edge Detect Off and data compression set to mode 1
(X1X) Level.
Module trimmed at 1fC, Trim Range 0
FEBias = 220uA FEShape = 30uA.
VDD = 4.0V VCC =
Detector Bias = +100V, ILeakage = 600nA
2 Test Configurations:
Power Cables are shielded ribbon cable (approx. 3m in length), not shown
in pictures above. The shields are grounded at the VME crate and the module
cooling frame, which is connected to DGND via the support card.
SCT LV-3 Power Supply used with external filter at the support card end.
A) Module mounted directly onto the cooling block (shunt-shield short-circuited?)
Hybrid Temperature = 35 degrees (Chiller Temperature = 14 degrees).
The module response (Computed from the Three Point Gain Macro), can be
found here.
Noise Occupancy
for the the module (10^6 events per step).
Noise Occupancy Scurves: Link0
and Link1
B) Module electrically insulated from the cooling block using a Thermal
pad (0.12mm thickness)
Hybrid Temperature = 39 degrees (Chiller Temperature = 14 degrees).
The module response (Computed from the Three Point Gain Macro), can be
found here.
Noise Occupancy
for the module (10^6 events per step).
Noise Occupancy Scurves: Link0
and Link1
For both test configurations the 0fC and 1fC values are 55mV and 101mV
Both configurations have similar Input noise and Gain characteristics,
~1500e ENC and 51mV/fC respectively.
The Noise Occupancy at 1fC for Configuration A) is approx 5^10-4 whilst
for Configuration B) is approx 10^-3.
Both show instability in the Scurves for the Noise Occupancy scans BUT
this occurs in the threshold range of 40mV - 60mV, which is close to the
0fC setting of 55mV.
Chip5 on Link0 does not perform as well as the other chips. Because
of this problem the noise occupancy is higher than expected. It is not
yet understood why this chip does not perform as expected.
For Noise Occupancy scans without shielded power cables the Scurves
where very broad, this implies that there is a common-mode pick-up problem
which could be perculiar to the setup here in Liverpool.
The Scurves for Link1 tend to be better than that for Link0, maybe this
could be due to the close proximity of this side to the cooling plate (which
is held at DGND potential)?
Latest Results (10/01/02)
Module mounted in VALENCIA cooling box. Picture
of a module mounted in cooling box, the Support Card is screened with Al
Module is directly mounted onto the cooling block (electrical contact made).
Cooling box connected to AGND (wire link from support card).
Power Cables are shielded ribbon cable (approx. 3m in length).The shields
are grounded at the VME crate end only.
SCT LV-3 Power Supply used, Jumper J31/J41 added, with external filter
at the support card end.
Module Configuration
All data taken with Edge Detect Off and data compression set to mode 1
(X1X) Level.
Module trimmed at 1fC, Trim Range 1
FEBias = 220uA
FEShape = 30uA.
VDD = 4.0V
VCC = 3.5V
Detector Bias = +100V, ILeakage = 290nA
Module Temperature = 38 Degrees (Chiller Temperature = 12 Degrees).
Module Trimming Characteristics.
Module Response can be found here.
Noise Occupancy
for the module (10^6 events per step).
Noise Occupancy Scurves: Link0
and Link1
The 0fC and 1fC mean values are 81.3mV and 126.6mV respectively.
Module configured with Shunt-shield
Setup configuration same as above BUT this time a thermal pad (0.12mm thickness)
has been added between the cooling block and the module which acts as an
electrical insulator thereby allowing implementation of the shunt shield.
Results (Using the same trim file as that for the module without the shunt
Module Response.
Noise Occupancy
for the module (10^6 events per step).
Noise Occupancy Scurves: Link0
and Link1
The 0fC and 1fC mean values are 82.5mV and 127.3mV respectively.
Noise Occupancy comparison for SCT LV-3 with/without the VME Gnd Jumper
added (J31/J41): Link0
and Link1.
The top plot shows the Noise Occupancy with the Jumper added, the bottom
Noise Occupancy comparison with/without the external filter. The top plot
shows the Noise Occupancy with the filter the bottom without: Link0
and Link1
All but 2 channels trimmable
Module Input noise ~1500e ENC and Gain of ~51mV/fC at a hybrid temperature
of 38 Degrees
Noise Occupancy of <1^10-4, though Shunt Shield implemented gives
better performance
Noise Occupancy Scurves look good, no evidence of instability. But there
does appear to be a slight deviation in the Noise Occuapncy at 0.4fC for
the module with Shunt Shield
Module is sensitive to the environment, pick up. Maybe this is perculiar
to the Liverpool setup
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For comments etc. please contact Ashley
Last modified: 11/01/2002