'K4-217 Forward Middle Module'
Module has been tested using the Redundant Clock/Command inputs with Spydata
outputs and Pseudo-Opto readout.
Module mounted on 'new' Liverpool cooling frame within a Faraday cage.
There are 3 'screened fan-ins' on this module. These are located at chip
locations: M0, S1, S2, M8, S9, S10, S11, S12, E13.
Module Configuration
All data taken with Edge Detect Off and data compression set to mode 1
FEBias = 220uA FEShape = 30uA.
VDD = 4.0V VCC =
Data taken with module trimmed at 2.0fC.
Module Temperature 45C
Tests have been done with chips bonded to fan-ins only, this is done to
test for any instability that might be present on a bare hybrid.
Tests and Results
The module response (Computed from the Three Point Gain Macro), can be
found here.
Occupancy for the the hybrid. There is a shoulder on link1 due to their
being a 'hot' channel which cannot be masked. This can be seen in the Link1 Scurves (Chip5 Cal0).
Noise Occupancy Scurves: Link0
and Link1
The results show that a 'bare' K4 hybrid does not show any instability.
The next step is to bond the top and bottom first 2 wedge detectors (approx
6cm length) to the readout and then repeat the measurements and test for
instabilities that might arise due to the loading of the amplifiers.
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For comments etc. please contact Ashley
Last modified: 11/07/2001