
  • Home
  • News
  • Activities
  • People
  • Events
  • Documentation
  • Discussion
  • Resources

Recurse structure through sub trees:

  • Footer (include on each page)
    • Quick links on the web
    • Links through parent topic
    • Links to people
    • Add content links

  • Home page
    • Summary and objectives (original)
    • Links on the site for more introductory information (original)
    • Flagship image (original)
    • Headline banner (search headline table)
    • Next meeting (from meetings table)
    • Latest news (search aggregate news table)
    • Latest articles (search last updated topics)
    • From around the site (search last updated topics)
    • Event list/calendar (attach aggregate event table)
    • Next meeting

  • News pages
    • Headline banner (search headline table)
    • Latest news (search aggregate news table)
    • Latest feeds (original)
    • News from around the site (search news table from other webs)

  • Activities page
    • Activity summary (original)
    • Latest articles (search last updated topics)

  • Per activity
    • Summary and objectives (original)
    • Events and meetings (search activity meeting table)
    • Working group (original)
    • Latest news (search activity news table)
    • Latest articles (search activity topics)
    • Specific material (original)
    • Tables and topics:
      • List of members
      • Events table
      • News table
      • Papers and presentations
      • Documentation
      • Discussion
    • Article base

  • People page
    • Hierarchy
    • By activity area table (agg)
    • By full list of alphabetical contacts
    • By current location

  • Events page
    • Event reminder banner
    • Events calendar
    • List by date, activity (agg), type, location (feed)
    • link on each meeting (+agenda, minutes links templates)

  • Papers page
    • List of recent contributions (table by date, author, link, status)
    • Feeds from other paper resources

  • Documentation
    • List of workbooks
    • other workbooks across the site
    • other manuals
    • FAQ
    • Related Links
    • Documentation
    • Papers
    • Presentations
    • Workbooks
    • Articles

  • Discussion
    • activity forum
    • external mailing lists
    • blog: Activity

  • Images
    • Image gallery folders

  • Related links
  • Resources
    • Image gallery
    • Code fragments
    • External links

* Sub-activity tree
    • Home
    • News
    • Activities
    • People
    • Events
    • Documentation
    • Discussion
    • Resources
    • Workflow (private)

  • Tools
    • Calendar - list of events and meetings, multiple pages?
    • Ifdefined - webleftbar changes on context
    • Formatted search for user information
    • email notification for event reminder
    • minute action items

  • Templates
    • meeting announcement
    • minutes

  • Reminder
    • strict auth
    • lock graphic on webleftbar

  • Main
    • blog pages

This topic: ATLAS > TemplateStructure
Topic revision: 18 Jan 2007, JohnBland
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