HEP Seminars

Central Exclusive Production in the forward region at the LHC

by Dr. Ronan McNulty (University College Dublin)

Wednesday 04 December 2013 from 13:00 to 14:00 (Europe/London)
at Chadwick Building ( Barkla Lecture Theatre )
Central exclusive production is a diffractive process that is characterised by the exchange of colourless propagators.  At sufficiently hard scales it can be calculated in perturbative QCD.  Recent measurements of exclusive Jpsi and Psi(2s) mesons, by the LHCb experiment, will be presented and compared to theoretical calculations as well as to photo-production results from HERA.  These measurements  provide a test of QCD and shed light on the role of the pomeron.  In the pseudorapidity range of the LHCb detector, they probe x, the fractional momentum of the parton, down to 5E-6, and can thus be used to constrain the gluon PDF in the poorly understood low-x region.  The measurements are also sensitive to phenomena predicted in QCD, but so far unobserved, such as saturation, glueballs and the presence of the odderon.  The outlook for future measurements of central exclusive production with the current and upgraded LHCb detector will be outlined.