HEP Seminars

Magnetic Monopoles at the LHC and in the Cosmos

by Dr. Philippe Mermod (Université de Genève)

Wednesday 19 February 2014 from 13:30 to 14:30 (Europe/London)
at Chadwick Building ( Rotblat Lecture Theatre )
Dirac showed in 1931 that the existence of one magnetic monopole in the Universe would explain why electric charge is quantised. The monopole also arises as a natural consequence of Grand Unification theories. While colliders provide direct laboratory studies, long-lived particles with masses beyond the reach of man-made accelerators would have been produced in the early Universe and still be present today. I shall review experimental searches for highly-ionising particles at colliders, focusing on recent developments at the LHC. I shall also review searches for monopoles with cosmic-ray detectors and trapped in matter, and propose a few promising avenues for the future.