*-- Author :    Stephen Burke   07/05/92
*-----------------------------------------Updates 02/06/92-------                                             
**: FVCHEK.......SB. Change loop indices to please farm.                                                      
*-----------------------------------------Updates 06/05/92-------                                             
**: FVCHEK.......SB. New deck to check FVFIT output.                                                          
*                                                                    *                                        
* Compare the calculated z-vertex value with the truth               *                                        
*                                                                    *                                        
*     index of element before row number IROW                                                                 
*     index of L'th element  of row number IROW                                                               
*     L'th integer element of the IROW'th row of bank with index IND                                          
*     L'th real element of the IROW'th row of bank with index IND                                             
         CALL ERRLOG(531,'W:FVCHEK: No SVX bank')                                                      
         CALL ERRLOG(532,'W:FVCHEK: No primary vertex!')                                               
      CALL HFILL(101,ZERR,0.,1.)                                                                       
      CALL HFILL(102,ZPULL,0.,1.)                                                                      
      CALL HFILL(103,CHPROB,0.,1.)                                                                     