!       BANKname BANKtype      !Comments
  TABLE  FTKR                   ! Forward Tracker Kombined Recon.
!         S. Burke   22/5/91
!   ATTributes:
!   -----------
!COL ATT-name FMT Min    Max    !Comments
!   parameters at start point
  1   KAPPA     F  -INF   +INF   ! signed inverse radius
  2   PHI       F  -PI    +PI    ! track angle in xy-plane
  3   THETA     F   0.    +PI    ! polar angle
  4   X         F  -99.0  +99.0  ! X
  5   Y         F  -99.0  +99.0  ! Y
  6   Z         F  100.0  300.0  ! Z at which parameters given
                                 ! (NOT a parameter)
  7   IPTYP     I   1     2      ! type of parametrization (=2)
  8   DKAPPA    F   0.    +INF   !
  9   DPHI      F   0.     TWOPI !
 10   DTHETA    F   0.    +PI    !   errors
 11   DX        F   0.    +999.  !
 12   DY        F   0.    +999.  !
 13   C1        F  -INF   +INF   !
 14   C2        F  -INF   +INF   !  packed covariance (with COVCP)
 15   C3        F  -INF   +INF   !
 16   C4        F  -INF   +INF   !
 17   NDF       I   0     +108   ! # degrees of freedom (NOT # of hits)
 18   CHSQ      F   0.    +INF   ! chisquare
 19   NX        I  -1     +INF   ! pointer to parameterisation at end
 20   NHIT      I   0     +INF   ! packed nr of hits:
                                 ! 65536*NPLAN + 16777216*NRAD + MASK
!  MASK is a bit map; bits 0, 1 and 2 are set if there are hits in
!  radial supermodules 0, 1 or 2, and bits 3, 4 and 5 similarly for
!  planar supermodules 0, 1 or 2. Bits 6, 7 and 8 indicate a
!  secondary segment in modules 0, 1, 2, and similarly bits 9, 10
!  and 11 are set to indicate a tertiary planar segment.
!  NB These tracks always come in pairs, with start and end parameters
!  successive. Thus word 19 is alternately (row # + 1) and (-1).
!  The parameters are given at the z coordinate of the first and last
!  measured points.
!    RELations:
!    ----------
!COL  TYPE   !Comments
!                    (COL)
 21   FTPR      DMT1             ! pointer to pointering bank