*-- Author : Stephen J. Maxfield
**: FPWHIT 40000 SM. New definition of dead wire flag.                                                        
*  PURPOSE: Compute W coordinate of a Planar Hit                                                              
*  INPUT : IROW    Row number in FRPE or FPLC bank                                                            
*  OUTPUT :  WWP       w    of hit assuming positive sign for drift                                           
*         :  WWM       w    of hit assuming negative sign for drift                                           
*         :  ZZ        z    of hit                                                                            
*         :  IBAD      0 if digi O.K. 1 if digi 'unreliable'                                                  
*  NOTE  :   The routine uses 'local' coordinates (drift )                                                    
*            taken from the FPLC bank. If this temporary bank does not                                        
*            exist, it is created. The local coordinate data is                                               
*            combined with corrected geometrical data taken from                                              
*            the bank FPG1. Again if FPG1 doesn't exist, it is created.                                       
*     Locators for FPG1 bank                                                                                  
*     Locators for FPLC bank                                                                                  
*     index of element before row number IROW                                                                 
*     index of L'th element  of row number IROW                                                               
*     L'th integer element of the IROW'th row of bank with index IND                                          
*     L'th real element of the IROW'th row of bank with index IND                                             
*     Statement functions for RADIAL Chamber data access.                                                     
*     Using Channel Number J                                                                                  
*     Module, Wedge-pair and Z-plane numbers...                                                               
*     Statement function for obtaining WEDGE numbers(0-47) of                                                 
*     wires at plus and minus ends of Cell numbers                                                            
*     Statement function for obtaining IOS wire number (1-36)                                                 
*     Statement functions for PLANAR Chamber data access.                                                     
*     Using Channel Number J                                                                                  
*     Module, orientation, W-cell and Z-plane numbers...                                                      
*     IPSMD in range 0:8 Planar module number.                                                                
*     IOS wire number (runs from 0 to 36)                                                                     
* SB plane numbers (1-72) from cell number                                                                    
* Module, orientation, wire and (typical) cell number from plane                                              
* number in the range 1-72 (planars, radials and combined)                                                    
*     Initialisations on first call...                                                                        
         IQFPLC = NAMIND('FPLC')
         IQFPG1 = NAMIND('FPG1')
*       Create FPG1 bank...                                                                                   
          CALL H1STOP                                                                                  
*       Create FPLC bank...                                                                                   
          CALL H1STOP                                                                                  
*       No data. Shouldn't happen if IROW valid.                                                              
*     Normal processing starts here...                                                                        
*       Phi, W and Z of wire                                                                                  
*     Done                                                                                                    