*-- Author :    Stephen J. Maxfield  / I.O.Skillicorn
*     Calculate residuals of Radial hits to PATREC tracks                                                     
*     and make lookagrams of them.                                                                            
*D     Remove vertex shifts in segment residuals.                                                             
*    Planar geometry                                                                                          
*    Radial geometry                                                                                          
*    Radial data...                                                                                           
*    Planar Data                                                                                              
*    Pointers into DIGI bank for IOS labelled hits                                                            
*    Track segment data                                                                                       
*    Fit data                                                                                                 
**the common/VERTEX/ becomes /VERTVV/ (in analogy to /VERTFF/) on the                                         
** 17/6/91, since it is in conflict with the VERTEX module (g.bernardi)                                       
** (note that all these common names should start by F in this deck...)                                       
*     Offsets for radials...                                                                                  
*     Jiggery-pokery to get right wedge number...                                                             
*      Expected drift corrected for shifts...                                                                 
*      Measured drifts...                                                                                     
          CALL SHS(116,0,REZ(I))                                                                       
          CALL SHS(119,0,REZ(I))                                                                       
          CALL SHS(117,0,REZ(I))                                                                       
          CALL SHS(119,0,REZ(I))                                                                       
          CALL SHS(118,0,REZ(I))                                                                       
          CALL SHS(119,0,REZ(I))                                                                       
*     Now look at radial segment data...                                                                      
      CALL SHS(241,0,CH)                                                                               
*       Track parameters for this track...                                                                    
*         IF(IERRF(JP,JWIR) .GT. 1) GOTO 1003                                                                 
*         Z of wire...                                                                                        
*         Measured drift...                                                                                   
*         ...and radius (this has been corrected for Lorenz angle).                                           
*         Expected drift corrected for shifts...                                                              
*         Expected radius corrected for shifts...                                                             
          CALL SHS(209,0,FLOAT(JWIR))                                                                  
          CALL SHS(232+I,0,RESID(KK))                                                                  
          CALL SHS(236  ,0,RESID(KK))                                                                  
          CALL SHD(242  ,0,DRFE(KK),RESID(KK))                                                         
          CALL SHS(236+I,0,RESR(KK))                                                                   
          CALL SHS(240  ,0,RESR(KK))                                                                   
          CALL SHD(250  ,0,RMEAS(KK),RESR(KK))                                                         
*     Close to wire stuff...                                                                                  