*-- Author : S.J. Maxfield SUBROUTINE FPTINT **: FPTINT.......SM. Pick up pattern recognition parameters from bank. **---------------------------------------------------------------------- *=====================================================================* * * * This routine performs several initialisation functions for the * * Forward tracker reconstruction. Parameters, flags etc are read * * from the following banks:- * * * * FRCS - Diagnostic flags * * FPRP - Flags and parameters used by pattern recognition * * FPPP - Flags and parameters used by pattern recognition * * * * Calls FTDGEO - initialise geometry etc. for IOS * * FTCORG - initialise geometrical constants - create FRG1 * * FPG1 * * * *=====================================================================* *KEEP,BCS. *KEEP,BOSMDL. C ------BOSMDL C ------ *KEEP,CNSTBF. *KEEP,H1EVDT. * * IDATA type of information (HEAD bank word 6) : * * 0 - real data H1 * 1 - MC data H1SIM * 2 - real data CERN tests * 3 - MC data ARCET * * MONTE = .TRUE. if IDATA=1 * KEVENT = event processed counter for H1REC * *KEND. * *KEEP,FGMIOS. * Planar geometry * * Radial geometry * *KEEP,FPLGEO. C--- C--- *KEEP,FPTVTX. **the common/VERTEX/ becomes /VERTVV/ (in analogy to /VERTFF/) on the ** 17/6/91, since it is in conflict with the VERTEX module (g.bernardi) ** (note that all these common names should start by F in this deck...) *KEEP,FDIFLG. *KEEP,FRWERR. *KEEP,FPTFLG. *KEEP,FPTPAR. *KEEP,FSGPAR. *KEEP,FJNPAR. *KEEP,FPJPAR. *KEND. * Access Steering (Diagnostics, Histograms etc.) * * CALL UGTBNK('FRCS',INDRCS) * Assume no diagnostics wanted but give warning... CALL ERRLOG(108,'F:FPTINT: No FRCS bank found. Defaults taken') * Unit number for HBOOK Histogram output. * Diagnostics applied only if measured momentum greater than... CALL ERRLOG(109,'F:FPTINT: Wrong FRCS version. Defaults taken') * Vertex. Assume at zero for now. * Cuts and parameters from FPRP bank. * Set default values... * * Drift and radial coordinate errors... * Cuts and parameters for FTLSEG... * Maximum distance ( in drift) for digitising * to be associated with cluster * ie road width is 2.*dminx (cms.) * Maximum distance ( in phi ) for digitising * to be associated with cluster = .1 cm/r approx * Minimum size of cluster for starting triple finding * minimum number of points/track segment * max size of cluster for analysis * ABS((D1+D3)/2 -D2 ).LT.TSCUT for triple * Max slope for triple * Slope cut for joining triples * Min length of segment before extension by projection * Cut in r for triple and projection * Number of wires in radials * IPLOT=0 for no diagnostic t0, rms to line seg, plots: max speed * Cuts and parameters for Planar pickup. * Road widths for single point pick-up... * Road widths for segment pick-up (millimetres!) * Cuts and parameters for radial segment linking... CALL UGTRUN('FPRP',INDPRP) * Take defaults but give warning... CALL ERRLOG(110,'F:FPTINT: No FPRP bank found. Defaults taken') CALL ERRLOG(111,'F:FPTINT: Wrong FPRP version. Defaults taken') * Errors and cuts used in pattern recognition in Planars(RWCH) * Cuts used in planar-planar linking. CALL UGTBNK('FPPP',INDPPP) * Take defaults but give warning... CALL ERRLOG(112,'F:FPTINT: No FPPP bank found. Defaults taken') CALL ERRLOG(113,'F:FPTINT: Wrong FPPP version. Defaults taken') * One small consistency check:- * Fill COMMONS FRDGEO and FPLGEO with nominal geometry... * ...and set up Geometry by wire plane number for IOS CALL FTDGEO * Create corrected geometry banks FRG1 and FPG1... CALL FTCORG * * *DEBUG - Check Geometry: *END DEBUG *