*-- Author :    Stephen Burke   30/08/93
*-----------------------------------------Updates 07/09/93-------                                             
**: FPT0 40000 SB.   New routine to plot DT vs. trigger element.                                              
*                                                                    *                                        
* Histogram the planar drift time distribution for each trigger      *                                        
* element.                                                           *                                        
*                                                                    *                                        
*     DESCRIPTION of INPUT CARDS                                                                              
*                             number of CTC_Input cards                                                       
*                             number of Trigger Elements groups per card                                      
*                             and number of trigger elements per group                                        
*                             number of Trigger Elements                                                      
*                             number of trigger elements per word                                             
*                             number of trigger element words                                                 
*                             number of RAM (8(11) bit groups)                                                
*                             maximal number of bits per RAM                                                  
*     DESCRIPTION of SUMMING CARDS                                                                            
*                             number of CTC_Summing cards                                                     
*                             number of subtriggers                                                           
*                             number of subtriggers per card                                                  
*                             number of subtrigger gate groups                                                
*     TECHNICAL OFFLINE PARAMETERS                                                                            
*                             maximum number of conditions per subtrigge                                      
C     ------BOSMDL                                                                                            
C     ------                                                                                                  
*     index of element before row number IROW                                                                 
*     index of L'th element  of row number IROW                                                               
*     L'th integer element of the IROW'th row of bank with index IND                                          
*     L'th real element of the IROW'th row of bank with index IND                                             
         CALL HCDIR('//PAWC',' ')                                                                      
         CALL HMDIR('FPT0','S')                                                                        
            CALL TELNAM(JHIST-1,TNAME)                                                                 
            CALL HBOOK1(JHIST,'PLANAR DRIFT TIME - '//                                                 
         CALL HMINIM(0,0.)                                                                             
         CALL HIDOPT(0,'INTE')                                                                         
         CALL HCDIR('//PAWC/FPT0',' ')                                                                 
            CALL HPRINT(JHIST)                                                                         
         CALL HCDIR('//PAWC',' ')                                                                      
      CALL UNTEL1(0,0,1,TEL1,IEXIST)                                                                   
      INFRPE = NLINK('FRPE',0)
      CALL HCDIR('//PAWC/FPT0',' ')                                                                    
            IF (TEL1(JB-1).EQ.1) CALL HFILL(JB,DT,0.,1.)                                               
* Must make sure work banks are dropped!!!                                                                    
      CALL WDROP(IW,INFRPE)                                                                            
      CALL HCDIR('//PAWC',' ')                                                                         