*-- Author :    Stephen J. Maxfield   06/03/91
**: FPLOCO.......SM. Allow for near/far asymmetry. Extend FPLC bank,                                          
**: FPLOCO.......SM. get stagger from FGAP.                                                                   
**: FPLOCO.......SB. Correct for trigger in wrong bunch crossings.                                            
**: FPLOCO 30907 RP. Farm changes.                                                                            
**: FPLOCO 30907 SM. Add event T0 from CEVT0.                                                                 
**: FPLOCO 30907 SM. Bug fix. Drop banks at begin for display.                                                
**: FPLOCO 30207 GB. comment lines moved inside the routine                                                   
**: FPLOCO 30205 SM. Modifications fror Filter Farm. Add histogram.                                           
*     Calculate LOCAL COORDINATES of digitisations in the Planar                                              
*     Drift Chambers from contents of FRPE bank and database.                                                 
*     The drift distance is computed and corrected as described                                               
*     in the in-line comments below.                                                                          
*     The following effects are NOT corrected for here:                                                       
*         * Geometrical displacements and distortions                                                         
*         * Track angle effects                                                                               
*     However, the parameter DR, needed for the track angle correction,                                       
*     is obtained from the F0P8 bank and stored in COMMON FRLORA along                                        
*     with the tangent of the Lorentz angle for completeness.                                                 
*     A temporary bank is created, FPLC containing the results.                                               
*     This bank is parallel to the FRPE bank. It is a named bank but                                          
*     is not put on the E-list:                                                                               
*!       BANKname BANKtype      ! Comments                                                                    
* TABLE  FPLC                   ! Local coordinates and data for hits                                         
*                               ! in Planar Drift Chambers.                                                   
*                               ! TEMPORARY. Parallel to FRPE bank.                                           
*!   ATTributes:                                                                                              
*!   -----------                                                                                              
*!COL ATT-name FMT Min    Max   ! Comments                                                                    
*  1  ICLNUM   I                !  Drift cell number                                                          
*  2  DRIFT    F                !  Abs drift distance (cms)                                                   
*  3  ERRDRF   F                !  Error in  drift distance (cms)                                             
*  4  ISGNW    I                !  Bit 0 not used.                                                            
*                               !  Bit 1 not used.                                                            
*                               !  Bit 2 0=>O.K. 1=> dubius drift                                             
*                               !  Bits3-6 not used.                                                          
*                               !  Bit 7 0=>O.K. 1=> bad timing                                               
*                               !                    don't use.                                               
*  5  CHARGE                    !  Charge integral                                                            
*  6  DRIFTP                    !  Drift distance for +side tracks                                            
*  7  DRIFTM                    !  Drift distance for -side tracks                                            
* END TABLE                                                                                                   
*     NOTES:                                                                                                  
*     The drift error is a parametrised function of distance.                                                 
*     The error has been inflated where bit 2 is set.                                                         
*     The drift distances are NOT signed.                                                                     
*     DRIFT is the drift distance to be used in conjunction with                                              
*     the EFFECTIVE stagger when it is not known which side of the                                            
*     wire plane the track went. There are then 2 possible space                                              
*     points given by:                                                                                        
*            EFFECTIVE stagger + DRIFT                                                                        
*       and  EFFECTIVE stagger - DRIFT                                                                        
*     DRIFTP and DRIFTM should be used when the drift sign is known:                                          
*            Geometric Stagger + DRIFTP                                                                       
*       or   Geometric Stagger - DRIFTM                                                                       
*       >>>> Exception: If drift time comes out negative after                                                
*                       subtraction of T0, then DRIFTs will be negative.                                      
*                       They should however be used as described above.                                       
*!       BANKname BANKtype      ! Comments                                                                    
* TABLE  FPHC                   ! Map showing number of hits in each                                          
*                               ! Cell. Row number = Cell number + 1                                          
*                               ! TEMPORARY.                                                                  
*!   ATTributes:                                                                                              
*!   -----------                                                                                              
*!COL ATT-name FMT Min    Max   ! Comments                                                                    
*  1  NHITS    I                !  Number of hits in Drift cell                                               
*  2  IFRPE    I                !  Pointer to 1st hit in FRPE/FPLC                                            
* END TABLE                                                                                                   
*     bank number forvarious banks.                                                                           
*     Locators for stuff in F0P8 bank (overall constants)                                                     
*     Locators for stuff in F1PA bank (wire-by-wire constants)                                                
*     Locators for stuff in FCP1 bank (time-to-distance run dependent)                                        
*     Locators for stuff in FCP2 bank (resolution function)                                                   
*     Parameter for scaling microns->cms.                                                                     
C     ------BOSMDL                                                                                            
C     ------                                                                                                  
*  IDATA  type of information (HEAD bank word 6) :                                                            
*                       0 - real data H1                                                                      
*                       1 - MC data H1SIM                                                                     
*                       2 - real data CERN tests                                                              
*                       3 - MC data ARCET                                                                     
*  MONTE = .TRUE.   if IDATA=1                                                                                
*  KEVENT = event processed counter for H1REC                                                                 
*     Work bank indices...                                                                                    
*     Common for time-to-distance relation                                                                    
*     Local arrays, variables.                                                                                
*     Local arrays, variables.                                                                                
*     index of element before row number IROW                                                                 
*     index of L'th element  of row number IROW                                                               
*     L'th integer element of the IROW'th row of bank with index IND                                          
*     L'th real element of the IROW'th row of bank with index IND                                             
*     Statement functions for RADIAL Chamber data access.                                                     
*     Using Channel Number J                                                                                  
*     Module, Wedge-pair and Z-plane numbers...                                                               
*     Statement function for obtaining WEDGE numbers(0-47) of                                                 
*     wires at plus and minus ends of Cell numbers                                                            
*     Statement function for obtaining IOS wire number (1-36)                                                 
*     Statement functions for PLANAR Chamber data access.                                                     
*     Using Channel Number J                                                                                  
*     Module, orientation, W-cell and Z-plane numbers...                                                      
*     IPSMD in range 0:8 Planar module number.                                                                
*     IOS wire number (runs from 0 to 36)                                                                     
* SB plane numbers (1-72) from cell number                                                                    
* Module, orientation, wire and (typical) cell number from plane                                              
* number in the range 1-72 (planars, radials and combined)                                                    
         IQFRPE = NAMIND('FRPE')
         IQFTDC = NAMIND('FTDC')
         IQF0P8 = NAMIND('F0P8')
         IQF1PA = NAMIND('F1PA')
         IQFCP1 = NAMIND('FCP1')
         IQFCP2 = NAMIND('FCP2')
         IQFGAP = NAMIND('FGAP')
         CALL BKFMT('FPLC','2I,(I,2F,I,3F)')
         CALL BKFMT('FPHC','2I,(2I)')
         CALL BKFMT('FTT0','2I,(F,I)')
*       Hit database to update overall (F0P8) and                                                             
*       wire-by-wire (F1P8) constants.                                                                        
        CALL UGTBNK('F0P8',IND)
*       Extract needed overall constants...                                                                   
*       Extract drift velocity parameters...                                                                  
*       Geometric Stagger...                                                                                  
*       Geometric Stagger...                                                                                  
*         Write(6,*) 'Stagger:', KMOD, PSTAGG(KMOD)                                                           
*Run validity number for check...                                                                             
*> outer-far, inner-far, outer-symm, inner-symm, outer-near, inner-near                                       
*> outer-far, inner-far, outer-symm, inner-symm, outer-near, inner-near                                       
*        for this run...                                                                                   
*       fiducial cuts...                                                                                      
*       Extract resolution parameters...                                                                      
*       Correction parameter for track angle effect                                                           
*     Normal Event processing...                                                                              
*     Check if old FPHC and FPLC banks exist. If so drop them...                                              
         CALL BDROP(IW,'FPHC')
         CALL BDROP(IW,'FPLC')
         CALL BDROP(IW,'FTT0')
*     Create FPHC bank...                                                                                     
      CALL VZERO(IW(INDPHC+1), 2+2*NRFPHC)                                                             
*     Get Event Time zero.                                                                                    
*     CALL CEVT0(TFTDC, LTTYP)                                                                                
* Apply correction for wrong bunch crossing                                                                   
      CALL T0GET (ITRGT0)                                                                              
*     Access FRPE bank...                                                                                     
*       FRPE bank not found. No data. Make 'zero=length FPLC...                                               
        INDF = NBANK('FPLC',NBN,2)
        INDF = NBANK('FTT0',NBN,2)
         CALL BLIST(IW,'E+','FTT0')                                                                    
*     Copy B16 format bank to work bank                                                                       
*                                             error making w/bank                                             
*     Determine number of hits in FRPE bank                                                                   
*       There were no digis. Should have been no bank!                                                        
*       Make 'zero=length FPLC...                                                                             
        INDF = NBANK('FPLC',NBN,2)
        CALL WDROP(IW,INFRPE)                                                                          
        INDF = NBANK('FTT0',NBN,2)
         CALL BLIST(IW,'E+','FTT0')                                                                    
*     Extract Digitisations in planar chambers:-                                                              
* Create banks                                                                                                
* Fix for swapped channels in '95 data                                                                        
*        Fill FPHC bank...                                                                                    
*        Drift time in ticks...                                                                               
*        Extract wire dependent constants for Channel ICLNUM...                                               
*        Compute drift distance...                                                                            
*        Subtract Tzeros.                                                                                     
* Fine correction for T0 difference on inner/outer wires - real data onl                                      
*        Apply time-to-distance function...                                                                   
            DRIFT = FPLT2D(TT,  0.0, ICLNUM)
            DRIFTN= FPLT2D(TT,  1.0, ICLNUM)
            DRIFTF= FPLT2D(TT, -1.0, ICLNUM)
*        T-to-d for M/C...convert ticks to ns...                                                              
*           ...and microns to cms (v in microns/ns)                                                           
*           ...and no asymmetry                                                                               
*        Is the wire near or far for +ve, -ve drift?                                                          
*        Get stagger of wire. Alternating sign but stagger of 1st                                             
*        wire not same in all orientations...                                                                 
*          This means hits with +drift are near, -drift far...                                                
*          Other way round...                                                                                 
*        Histograms for monitoring... (factor 10 downscale)                                                   
            CALL SHS(109,0,DRIFT)                                                                      
            CALL SHS(612,0,TT)                                                                         
         IF (NFRPE.GE.2000) CALL SHS(616,0,TT)                                                         
*        Determine errors. sig**2=e0**2 +d.e1**2 + e3**2.exp(-e4*d)                                           
*        Drift is in cms. Error is converted back to cms.                                                     
*        only react to flags if 'new model' Qt's...                                                           
*             unpack rest of flags...                                                                         
*             DOS sum of this hit...                                                                          
*             Dist to prev hit...                                                                             
*             ISPL = IAND( IFLAG1, 31)                                                                        
*             Relinearised pedestal level...                                                                  
*             DOS sum of previous hit.                                                                        
*             IDPR = IAND( IFLAG1, 31)                                                                        
*             Dist from beginning of cluster...                                                               
*             Num adjacent bins above DOS threshold (leading edge)...                                         
*             Number of previous hits in the cluster...                                                       
*             React to flags here.                                                                            
*        Old format flag in Monte Carlo, extract number of hits...                                            
*        Fill row in output bank                                                                              
C         IFPLC  = IADROW('FPLC',NBN,NCFPLC,BAR)                                                              
         CALL UCOPY(BAR,IW(INDCR(IFPLC,1,KDIG)),NCFPLC)                                                
      INFTT0 = NBANK('FTT0',0,4)
         CALL ERRLOG(113,'S:FPLOCO: Cant create FTT0 bank')                                            
      CALL BLIST(IW,'E+','FTT0')                                                                       
      CALL SHS(650,0,TAVG)                                                                             
         CALL SHS(651,0,TAVG)                                                                          
         CALL SHS(652,0,TAVG)                                                                          
         CALL SHS(653,0,TAVG)                                                                          
         CALL SHS(654,0,TAVG-CJCT0)                                                                    
            CALL SHS(655,0,TAVG-CJCT0)                                                                 
            CALL SHS(656,0,TAVG-CJCT0)                                                                 
            CALL SHD(658,0,TAVG,CJCT0)                                                                 
            CALL SHS(657,0,TAVG-CJCT0)                                                                 
            CALL SHD(659,0,TAVG,CJCT0)                                                                 
C      IFPLC  = IADFIN('FPLC',NBN)                                                                            
      CALL WDROP(IW,INFRPE)                                                                            
* Channels were swapped at least in '94 and '95, and probably through '9                                      
* Fix for swapped channels in '95 data                                                                        
      CALL ERRLOG(114,'S:FPLOCO: Illegal Channel number!!')                                            
      CALL ERRLOG(115,'S:FPLOCO: Cant create bank')                                                    
*     FPLC bank may be partially made. Finish it, drop it and                                                 
*     make empty version...                                                                                   
C      IFPLC  = IADFIN('FPLC',NBN)                                                                            
      INDF = NBANK('FPLC',NBN,2)
      CALL WDROP(IW,INFRPE)                                                                            
      CALL BDROP(IW, 'FTT0')
      INDF = NBANK('FTT0',NBN,2)
      CALL BLIST(IW,'E+','FTT0')                                                                       
      CALL ERRLOG(105,'S:FPLOCO: Error in FRPE work bank creation')                                    
      CALL WDROP(IW,INFRPE)                                                                            