*-- Author : "I. O. Skillicorn" 24/04/95 SUBROUTINE FPCXTD * * * test8.f reject segment if it does not link * mid plane with all planar segments for * planar based track : cut 5cms**2 * * * fpcxtd.new.f remove radial based (2):- * planar pickup from planars appears unsafe * * searches connected + disconnected set * * * * * * * * * Routine to pick up planar segments from connected set. * * radial based tracks:- * 1)Searches for closest segment to track K in the R-Phi * direction which is sufficiently close in the radial direction. * Separation is Rmean*delta-phi, where Rmean is R * of planar segment and delta-phi * is separation in Phi. * 2) Uses each first-pass associated planar to search for * a link to a planar in the connected set(dd defined) that * is close to the radial-defined track. * * Radial only: associates planars using (1). * Radial+planar: uses (1)+(2). * * cuts changed relative to fpcxtd.test4.f * open dd cut for radial based tracks to 5 cm**2 * use sum of sep+dd < 3 cm**2 for planars * * * * * * * planar based tracks:- * uses each found planar to search for a link (DD defined) * to a planar segment in connected set. checks planar coord. * is within 1 cm of expectation from str. line phi-z,r-z. * * * * Fit parameters are in H1WORK: * RPCOSG(K) = Slope of Phi-z fit * RPSING(K) = Slope of R-z fit * PHZG(K) = Intercept of Phi-z fit (at z=0) * ZIG(K) = Intercept of R-z fit (at z=0) * Errors are in FTRERR: * COMMON /FTRERR/ DSLPHI, DPHZER, COVP, DSLPR, DRZER, COVR * Dxxxx = sigma (not squared) of parameter xxxx * COVP = covariance of Phi-z fit parameters * COVR = covariance of R -z fit parameters *KEEP,FRDIMS. *KEEP,FH1WORK. * Planar geometry * * Radial geometry * * Radial data... * * Planar Data * * Pointers into DIGI bank for IOS labelled hits * * Track segment data * * Fit data * * *KEEP,FPTVTX. **the common/VERTEX/ becomes /VERTVV/ (in analogy to /VERTFF/) on the ** 17/6/91, since it is in conflict with the VERTEX module (g.bernardi) ** (note that all these common names should start by F in this deck...) *KEEP,FRH3FT. * Common for RETRAC results (SJM) *KEEP,FPPRAM. C C--- MAXSEG is maximum number of segments per supermodule C--- MAXCON is maximum number of amibiguous segments associatable with C--- one segment C--- LIMSTO is maximum number of 2 cluster planes intersections to be C--- stored per supermodule C--- MSEGLM is maximum number of clusters that can be found before C--- connectivity considered C--- MAXCLU is maximum number of clusters that can be found after C--- forming non-connected set MUST BE 50 IF RUN WITH OLD RCW C--- (cluster = 3/4 digits found in a straight line in one C--- 4-wire orientation) C C--- *KEEP,FPLSEG. C--- C--- *KEEP,FPTFLG. *KEEP,FPTPAR. *KEEP,FDIFLG. *KEND. * Common for track parameter errors... * Common for segment numbers... * Local arrays... * cuts mm for radials ******************************************************************** * write(*,*)' fpcxtd entered ' * PRINT 1001,k,(IRN(n,k),n=1,36),LNK3(k,1),LNK3(k,2),LNK3(k,3) * PRINT 1002,k,(IRP(n,k),n=1,36),ISGG(1,k),ISGG(2,k),ISGG(3,k) * write(*,*)' k,iplar',k,iplaa C C--- Loop over supermodules C C C--- Calculate prediction for segment in this supermodule C C C--- RR and PHI calculated for this Z as predicted by radials C C C--- Convert to cartesian coordinates C C C--- Find differentials of x,y wrt z C C C--- RR and PHI calculated for this Z as predicted by planars C C C--- Convert to cartesian coordinates C C C--- Find differentials of x,y wrt z C C C--- Form segment cartesian vector converting to mm C C C C--- search only unused segments C C C--- search only the connected set C C C However: this does provide a technique for re-searching C C C--- Extract planar segment and covariance matrix C C--- C--- C--- * R and Phi for planar segment * Believe the radial segment prediction in the 'drift' direction * only. More-or-less ignore rad radius... * RMEAN = 0.2*(RRAD + 4.0*RPL) * RMEAN = RRAD C C--- C ********************************************* ********************************************* C C--- End of loop over planar segments for supermodule C C C--- Build list of planar hits and mark segment and hits used C C C C--- End of loop over supermodules C *