*-- Author : Girish D. Patel SUBROUTINE FMOUT(IRUN,ICODE) ************************************************************************ * * * Output a minimum of information to an ntuple that has one row entered* * for every run processed, even if the subsequent analysis failed for * * any reason. * * * * GDP 16/8/94 * * * ************************************************************************ *KEEP,FHLUN. *KEEP,FCOUNT. * TOTL total run luminosity (mb^-1) * H1L H1 gated run luminosity (mb^-1) * RTIME total run time (sec) * REFF run efficiency = (1 - dead_time/run_time) * ILRET return flag: 0 - ok, 1 - no inf. found in H1DB *KEND. CALL GETEAR(IRUN,IDATE,ITIME,IBFLD,IPRESS,IFR,IFP,IRET) CALL SVEC(2,0,AVEC) * WRITE(6,*) ' FMOUT ',IRUN,ICODE,IFRHV,IFPHV, ' stored' *