*-- Author : S.Burke / J.V. Morris SUBROUTINE FKWMES(MES,HMES,GMES,W,HGW) ********************************************************************** * * * Compute a measurement vector weighted by the inverse of its * * covariance, and transformed into state vector space * * * * Output is HGW = HMES.GMES.W (MES is the number of measurements) * * * ********************************************************************** IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) DIMENSION HMES(2,2),GMES(2,2),W(2),HGW(2) ********************************************************************** IF (MES.EQ.1) THEN HGW(1) = HMES(1,1)*GMES(1,1)*W(1) HGW(2) = HMES(1,2)*GMES(1,1)*W(1) ELSE HGW(1) = HMES(1,1)*GMES(1,1)*W(1) + HMES(1,1)*GMES(2,1)*W(2) & + HMES(2,1)*GMES(2,1)*W(1) + HMES(2,1)*GMES(2,2)*W(2) HGW(2) = HMES(1,2)*GMES(1,1)*W(1) + HMES(1,2)*GMES(2,1)*W(2) & + HMES(2,2)*GMES(2,1)*W(1) + HMES(2,2)*GMES(2,2)*W(2) ENDIF RETURN END *