*-- Author : S.Burke / J.V. Morris
*                                                                    *                                        
* Save/restore point-rejection status                                *                                        
*                                                                    *                                        
* Save if IFLAG is >= 0; restore otherwise                           *                                        
*                                                                    *                                        
* Note that the only form of error checking for a restore is that    *                                        
* values have been saved at least once.                              *                                        
*                                                                    *                                        
* Per-track values can go in H1WORK; note that LTRUE and LFIRST must                                          
* be set at least per event.                                                                                  
* This is about 36k words long; the remaining common blocks are                                               
* about 3.6k in total. Some of this could be in /H1WORK/, but the                                             
* blocks would have to be reorganised.                                                                        
* /FKPROJ/                                                                                                    
* /FKFILT/                                                                                                    
* /FKSMTH/                                                                                                    
* /FKINT/                                                                                                     
* /FKRSID/                                                                                                    
* /FKTRUE/                                                                                                    
* /FKDBG/                                                                                                     
* Switch off residuals and point rejection, or leave point rejection on,                                      
* but with a larger cut                                                                                       
         CALL UCOPY(XCUTS,XTEMP,8)                                                                     
         CALL UCOPY(XCUTSI,XCUTS,8)                                                                    
* Switch on residuals and PR as appropriate                                                                   
      IF (ILIM.EQ.3) CALL UCOPY(XTEMP,XCUTS,8)                                                         