*-- Author : Stephen Burke
*-----------------------------------------Updates 07/09/93-------                                             
**: FFRJCT 40000 SB. Min. no. of hits for radial-only tracks.                                                 
*                                                                    *                                        
* Makes an initial decision on whether to reject the track, or       *                                        
* points on it                                                       *                                        
*                                                                    *                                        
* Per-track values can go in H1WORK; note that LTRUE and LFIRST must                                          
* be set at least per event.                                                                                  
* This is about 36k words long; the remaining common blocks are                                               
* about 3.6k in total. Some of this could be in /H1WORK/, but the                                             
* blocks would have to be reorganised.                                                                        
* /FKPROJ/                                                                                                    
* /FKFILT/                                                                                                    
* /FKSMTH/                                                                                                    
* /FKINT/                                                                                                     
* /FKRSID/                                                                                                    
* /FKTRUE/                                                                                                    
* /FKDBG/                                                                                                     
* Counters                                                                                                    
* Must have more than NRMOD modules with NRHIT hits each                                                      
* Kill radials if less than 9 hits total (reduces space in FTKR/DTNV)                                         
* Must have NPHIT hits in NPMOD modules in NPSMOD supermodules                                                
* Must have at least one module above the threshold number of hits                                            