*-- Author : Stephen Burke 30/11/92 LOGICAL FUNCTION FFKILL(J1,J2) *-----------------------------------------Updates 27/07/93------- **: FFKILL 30907 SB. Changes to monitoring histograms. **: FFKILL 30907 RP. Farm changes. *-----------------------------------------Updates 03/03/93------- **: FFKILL 30907 SB. Cuts can be turned off with negative values. *-----------------------------------------Updates 30/11/92------- **: FFKILL 30907 SB. New deck to remove bad tracks. *-----------------------------------------Updates---------------- ********************************************************************** * * * Decide whether to reject a track * * * ********************************************************************** *KEEP,FTHIST. * indices of filter farm histos *KEEP,FKNPL. * * Per-track values can go in H1WORK; note that LTRUE and LFIRST must * be set at least per event. * * This is about 36k words long; the remaining common blocks are * about 3.6k in total. Some of this could be in /H1WORK/, but the * blocks would have to be reorganised. * * /FKPROJ/ * /FKFILT/ * /FKSMTH/ * /FKINT/ * /FKRSID/ * /FKTRUE/ * /FKDBG/ *KEEP,FFSTEE. *KEEP,FFSCAL. * Counters *KEEP,FKCONS. *KEEP,FKSMTH. *KEND. ********************************************************************** * Momentum too small? * Theta too big? * Start/end outside tracker? * Swim from start to end ... CALL FKTRAN(DZ,ZPL(J1),SSMT(1,J1),S1,DTRAN) CALL FKMUL(CSMT(1,1,J1),DTRAN,C1) * ... allow for multiple scattering - assume av. rad. length is 10 cm (! CALL FKSCAT(DZ,SSMT(1,J1),RADLEN,DTRAN,QMS) CALL FKQADD(C1,QMS) * ... find difference between end parameters and extrapolation ... CALL FKDIFF(SSMT(1,J2),S1,S2) CALL FKADD(CSMT(1,1,J2),C1,C2) CALL DSINV(5,C2,5,IFAIL) * ... and calculate chi-squared C CALL SHS(20,0,SNGL(CHI12)) *