SUBROUTINE : FFHUNT(JDIGP,JDIGR,JMAX) AUTHOR : S.Burke DATE : 28/02/91 LANGUAGE : FORTRAN SHORT SUMMARY of PURPOSE: Determines the "true" track (STR) given a list of hits. LIST and DESCRIPTION of INPUT VARIABLES/ARGUMENTS: JDIGP - pointer to the first planar hit in FPUX JDIGR - pointer to the first radial hit in FRUX FPUX/FRUX banks (hit lists from pattern recognition) FRPX/FRRX banks (true hit information) LIST and DESCRIPTION of OUTPUT VARIABLES/ARGUMENTS: JMAX - STR index for the track which contributes most hits (returns zero for failure) CALLING TREE from FFHUNT : CALL FFNUM == tree ==> FUNCTIONS USED : None KEEP SEQUENCES USED : FKNPL FFWBI BCS STFUNCT
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