SUBROUTINE : FFFIT AUTHOR : Stephen Burke DATE : 26/07/93 LANGUAGE : FORTRAN SHORT SUMMARY of PURPOSE: Picks up the output banks from the pattern recognition and passes each track in turn to FFKLMN to be fitted. LIST and DESCRIPTION of INPUT VARIABLES/ARGUMENTS: FTUR/FPUR/FPUX/FRUX banks (pattern-recognised tracks and hits) FPG1/FRG1 banks (geometry) FPLC/FRLC banks (unpacked hits) and for diagnostics: FPSG/FRSG banks (segment information) FRPX/FRRX banks (MC hit information) LIST and DESCRIPTION of OUTPUT VARIABLES/ARGUMENTS: None CALLING TREE from FFFIT : CALL FTCORG == tree ==> CALL FPLOCO == tree ==> CALL FRLOCO == tree ==> CALL FFKLMN == tree ==> CALL FFOUT == tree ==> CALL FFTRCH == tree ==> FUNCTIONS USED : None KEEP SEQUENCES USED : FKNPL FFSTEE FFGEO FKCNTL FFSCAL FFWBI FFDBG BCS CNSTBF BOSMDL H1EVDT FTHIST STFUNCT
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