SUBROUTINE : FFCHEK(JDIGP,JDIGR,JMAX) AUTHOR : Stephen Burke DATE : 03/05/93 LANGUAGE : FORTRAN SHORT SUMMARY of PURPOSE: Calculate and histogram the efficiency and error rate of the pattern recognition. LIST and DESCRIPTION of INPUT VARIABLES/ARGUMENTS: JDIGP - planar hit pointer in FPUX JDIGR - radial hit pointer in FRUX JMAX - the true track (STR) number FPUX/FRUX banks (hit lists from pattern recognition) FRPX/FRRX banks (true hit information) FPLC/FRLC banks (unpacked hit information) FPG1/FRG1 banks (geometry/dead wires) Information from various common blocks LIST and DESCRIPTION of OUTPUT VARIABLES/ARGUMENTS: Filled histograms The array ITRTR in /FFDBG/ is updated CALLING TREE from FFCHEK : None FUNCTIONS USED : None KEEP SEQUENCES USED : FKNPL FFSTEE FFGEO FFWBI FKDBG FFDBG BCS STFUNCT FTFUNCT
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