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We have calculated the resolution as a function of crossing angle for:

Fig. [*] shows the resolution for a $50\mu$m pitch detector with S:N of 13:1, with and without an intermediary strip. Four points are noteworthy:

Fig. [*] shows the same plot but repeats it for $50,60,70,80\mu$m detectors as indicated. The behaviour in each case is similar. The angular range, over which an intermediary strip is useful, broadens as the pitch increases. In all cases, the resolution degrades rapidly for angles greater than 15o.

Fig. [*] shows the same plots for $50,60,70,80,90,100\mu$m pitch, with and without intermediary strips, but this time for a signal-to-noise of 10:1. It is noted that for small angles the degradation (with respect to S/N of 13:1) is small, about $1\mu$m, but for larger angles it is much bigger, up to $5\mu$m. This is a consequence of the fact that in spreading itself over more strips, the charge per strip begins to be obscured by the noise. If we are led to mechanical designs which require longer cable lengths, as now seems likely, then the noise will be worse than had been envisaged, and the resolutions at large angles will be particularly affected.

Fig. [*] summarises these plots for each pitch with and without an intermediary strip. We note an important point:

With these plots, we can now calculate the response of any mechanical design in terms of the resolution we would expect. We have done this for three cases:

Fig. [*] shows the result of these configurations. 8-fold modularity with $50\mu$m pitch is clearly the worst. Although having the greatest number of tracks with $5\mu$m resolution it has long tails. 15% of all tracks have resolutions greater than $15\mu$m and 45% have resolutions greater than $10\mu$m. This is due principally to the poor resolution at large crossing angles. 12-fold modularity with $70\mu$m pitch is better. 5% of tracks have resolutions worse than $15\mu$m and 38% of tracks have resolutions worse than $10\mu$m. However, the best solution is obtained with our optimisation technique. Now less than 5% of tracks have resolutions worse than $10\mu$m and in addition the response is more uniform over the detector.

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Andrew Galloni