Results on SGS Thompson Detectors

Liverpool CDF Group

Tests on SGS Thompson Sensors

as presented by Phil Allport at L00 meeting, Tuesday, 11 April 2000.

We have performed a series of tests on the wafer of 11 detectors which were shipped to Liverpool. We have compared our results, firstly to the specifications drawn up by Nicola and Phil, and secondly to the Hamamatsu devices.

1) Strip Failures

50V 100V
SGS Thomson 2.8% 3.7% (on those we can measure ~2.5 detectors)
Those failing at 100V do not subsequently hold any voltage
Hamamatsu <0.5% <0.5% (in fact we have no reason to disagree with the manufacturers
own results which indicate <0.1%)

Specifications: < 1.28% bad strips. Max bad strips: 2 (type A), 1 (type B) > 100V coupling capacitor breakdown

Some of the detectors/regions studied show the very long time constant behaviour reported by Ronan and Tara at FNAL so for these we cannot measure the strip failures as at short times the currents seen are up to mA levels (these are not included in the bad-strip estimates). This behaviour is being studied further as there is clearly some associated `memory' with strips which have been held at high voltage for any length of time, subsequently showing much faster recovery from the application of high voltage.

2) Strip Resistance

SGS Thomson 280 Ohms ---> 36 Ohms/cm
Hamamatsu 190 Ohms ---> 24 Ohms/cm

Specification: < 30 Ohms/cm

3) IV Curves

SGS Thomson values look fantastically low. This may be true but the characteristics look odd and we need to check the connectivity to the strips. After irradiation the current is dominated by the induced defects in the substrate so starting currents are not terribly significant.

Specification: < 4uA (type A) , < 2uA (type B)

4) Resistor Values

SGS Thomson 760+/-20 kOhms, 800+/-20kOhms and 840+/-20kOhms on 3 detectors studied. On the 4th: 800kOhms for the first and last 10% of strips but with the central 80% showing only 40kOhms. All the above are measured at 140V. Possibly the low values could result from a conducting inversion layer shorting out the resistors?

Specification: 2.5 +/- 0.5 MOhms

5) Interstrip Capacitance

Genuinely lower for the SGS Thomson at the frequencies we can study (it looks to get closer to the Hamamatsu values at higher frequency)

There is voltage dependence but I would quote 1pF/cm for the Hamamatsu and more like 0.8pF/cm for the SGS Thomson. (If there is any problem with connectivity to the implants these results are maybe not going to be meaningful for the SGS Thomson.)

Note ATLAS results after irradiation showed that <100> material such as Thomson may be using did show a lower interstrip capacitance than the <111> used by Hamamatsu but with a very strong frequency dependence such that the difference reduces with frequency and as far as the actual results with fast electronics are concerned (ie at 40MHz) no difference in noise was observable for irradiated detectors.

Specification: < 1.2pF/cm total interstrip capacitance

(The total capacitive load will also include a ~0.2pF/cm contribution to the backplane.)

6) Depletion Voltage

We have not checked the depletion voltages. We know these are supposed to be well over 100V for the SGS Thomson but this would not in itself a major issue except that the capacitors are not rated to the required depletion voltages. For Hamamatsu all the results on strip failures are at 100V which is well above the required operating voltage of the detectors.

Specification: 60V < V_dep <100V

7) Radiation Hardness

Over 2 dozen Hamamatsu detectors to these designs (but much larger area) have been irradiated by ATLAS in charged hadrons at the CERN and KEK PS machines with doses of 3 10^14 p/cm^2. All devices have survived and simply show the expected rise in depletion voltage and reverse currents. Most of these detectors have been studied after irradiation with ATLAS fast read-out and so the noise and any failures on the 768 strips have been looked for. The detector satisfy the ATLAS stringent specifications which include the requirement that the number of strips failing after irradiation remains below 1%. Devices have also been irradiated with neutrons but charged hadrons are mostly what we get in the experiment and there are differences.

SGS detectors have been irradiated with neutrons. We await the results. Irradiation with charged hadrons has not yet been performed.

8) Quality Assurance

All detectors supplied by Hamamatsu have been put by the company through a rigorous measurement programme and we know from ATLAS that the Hamamatsu QA is completely reliable. Micron are also to be trusted in terms of their measurement QA. However, the SGS Thomson are delivered untested so I would ask what checks the company has on the quality of what it is producing.

Apparently no SGS Thomson QA?

9) Track Record

Other companies (most notable SEIKO for BELLE) have attempted to start up in this business and, in my experience, all of them have failed for the first one or two iterations to get devices that work. SEIKO were dropped by BELLE because of this. I think even for a good company there is a learning curve and I actually think the SGS Thomson results look quite good for a first iteration but ...

Would you want to install these in an experiment to do physics?

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