Mechanical Design and Construction

Mechanical Design

This is a possible 12-fold layout which we are mocking up in order to test the design and its installation.

(This drawing appears truncated when ghostviewed... but it prints out correctly.)

This is the view showing cable lengths and hybrid positions on the broad and narrow parts of the beam.

Mechanical Construction

We have started to construct a mockup of the project which will consist of

  • A beam pipe
  • The inner sleeve of SVX2
  • Two clam-shells which encompass the beampipe
  • Ladders of silicon which sit on the clam-shells
  • Hybrids

    The beampipe is mounted on a baseplate, and the inner sleeve of SVX2 is free to slide up and down, thus allowing us to check clearances.
    The clam-shells which would be made of carbon fibre and of length 45cm, are simulated by a series of precision cut aluminium half-rings, about 1cm long. The holes in the rings are for cooling pipes.
    The silicon ladders are simulated by 300 micron thick aluminium strips on which are glued small aluminium bumps to simulate the bond-wire heights.
    The hybrids are simulated using 300 micron thick aluminium for a baseplate with 2.7mm high aluminium on top representing the components. Slots are cut in the baseplate to allow cables to come up from underneath. Our next task is to simulate the cable stacks using kapton.
    The ladders and cables will be mounted on the clam-shells which will be placed around the beampipe.

    We hope to be able to bring the completed model to Padova.

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