Let me turn now to what top can tell us about Higgs.
I’m somewhat reluctant to show this because
we have one of the world experts on this subject in the room.
Earlier I showed how loop corrections could
tell us indirectly where the top lay.
In a similar way loop corrections on top can tell us where the Higgs is.
The W and mass can be calculated from other
basic quantities, mz, gf (strength of the weak interaction) and alpha
(strength of the em).
Loop diagrams
show dependce on top.
This plot, which
Martin showed at the big physics meeting this year, has the top q on this axis
and w on this.
The RED curve shows the
68%cl for where W and top should be from LEP.
The GREEN curve is the direct measurement of both from Lep2 and
The AGREEMENT shows the
excellence of the Smodel once again.
But also, in orange is the effect of the Higgs.
Note this deltaR is also a weak function of the
Higgs mass and from this we can say that the Higgs is more likely light than