How to use the Stntuple

The Stntuple is a root ntuple designed to hold event data in a compressed form. It is a powerful way of quickly performing analysis as most Production output objects are stored within in it, and can be accessed much faster than by running dedicated jobs over the actual production output many times.

How to access Stntuple

A version of Production corresponding to the most recent frozen code version can be found in $CDFSOFT2_DIR/bin/Linux2-KCC_4_0/stnmaker.exe . If you really want to make your own executable, do this:

How to run the job

Just type executable_path tcl_path , where executable_path is the full path to your Stntuple executable, and tcl_path is the full path to your directives file. An example directives file can be found in Stntuple/test/stnmaker/run_stnmaker.tcl . If you make your own release of the Stntuple you can edit this directly. The only parts you need alter are:
 include file data69/upgrade/mc_data/ttbar/isajet/top175_prod.root
..... this sets the full path to your input file. Change this to your desired input file.
 histfile ./results/stntuple.root
.... this sets your output file (this example goes into the results subdirectory)
 splitMode set -1
this is the place to add extra branches of information to your tree. For example, if you are analysing MC, you would want to add
makeGenp set 1
makeObsp set 1
under here. To get a full listing of what is available (and what is set by default), you could add "show" to this list, and stntuple will print out the current settings at the start of the job.

begin -nev 10
.... in this case you will pass 10 events through the stntuple.

Don't be dismayed by the huge amounts of printout on your screen as stnmaker runs. This is normal.

Analysing your output

Although the stntuples you produce are ROOT ntuples, like the eN ntuples, they are a little more complex and can't just be accessed directly. A special analysis class is included in the Stntuple that you can inherit from to interrogate the stntuples. There are lots of examples of classes to interrogate all sorts of MC information in the Stntuple release. A good place to start is with the MC info example, instructions for making and running this are given here.

Useful links