How to pass generated MC events through Production reconstruction

The code which takes detector data and produces higher level objects (eg. tracks, muons, photons, jets), is called Production. The same code is used for both generated and real data. It is easy to run; you just need to run the Production executable with an appropriate directives file. Instructions for both are given below.

How to access Production

A version of Production corresponding to the most recent frozen code version can be found in $CDFSOFT2_DIR/bin/Linux2-KCC_4_0/ProductionExe . If you really want to make your own executable (you shouldn't if you have the choice), do this:

How to run the job

Just type executable_path tcl_path , where executable_path is the full path to your Production executable, and tcl_path is the full path to your directives file. An example directives file can be found in /cdf/disk1/utilities/validate_Production.tcl . You should copy this and edit your own version. The only parts you need alter are:
set valfile $env(VAL_DATA_DIR)/isajet_qq_today_val.dst 
..... this sets the full path to your output file. You could replace this by putting your output in the /cdf/disk1/mc subdirectory.
talk DHInput
   input file $env(VAL_DATA_DIR)/isajet_qq_today.root
.... this sets the input file you want to use.

begin -nev 10
.... in this case you will pass 10 events through Production.

Don't be dismayed by the huge amounts of printout on your screen as Production runs. This is normal.

Useful links

None as yet.