How to generate MC

It's easy to generate a sample of MC events with the CDF code. You just need to run the cdfSim executable with an appropriate directives file. The cdfSim executable contains an interface to a collection of particle generators, and to the CDF geometry. It will generate an event for you and then step the generated particles through the detector, scattering them and making them decay as appropriate. Instructions for using the cdfSim executable are given below.

How to access cdfSim

A version of cdfSim corresponding to the most recent frozen code version can be found in $CDFSOFT2_DIR/bin/Linux2-KCC_4_0/cdfSim . If you really want (there's no need), to make your own executable, do this:

How to run the job

Just type executable_path tcl_path , where executable_path is the full path to your cdfSim executable, and tcl_path is the full path to your directives file. Make sure you specify a generator to use to make your events in the directives file. The two examples below will show you how.

Other useful hints

If you want to generate anything with a run number other than 1, put the following in your directives file:
mod talk GenInputManager
  run_number set 111
exit this case the run number will be 111. If you want to change the random number seed, put the line SEED set 11 (or whatever) in the Pythia talk-to before the commonMenu submenu.

If you want to include the trigger simulation, (and thereby not output any events which wouldn't make it through the trigger in data) you need to use the talk-tos to GenTrigModule. An example of a directives file that uses this is /cdf/disk1/utilities/jpsi_cdfsim.tcl .

Useful links